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«    March 2013    »
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Sleeping bag and a vest from Tuvan sheepskin Made in Erzin

Sleeping bag and a vest from Tuvan sheepskin Made in ErzinProduction of Erzin furriers could become the trademark not just for Erzin district, but for whole Tuva. The head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, during a trip to the southern districts of Tuva especially noted the factory for skin-tanning and sewing products from sheepskins associated with SPK "Bai-Khol" in the village of Erzin - the administrative center of Erzin district. Minister of economy of RT Elena Karatayeva was assigned to look into the possible variants of support to this branch of activity of the SPK. The factory began production about three months ago. The farm organized a special brigade of seven people, the vice-director of the SPK Orlan Chigzhit was assigned as its head, because he has experience in similar type of production. The workers set up the equipment, and they started up. So far, in a month they work up about a hundred and a half of skins, but they are confident: this is only the beginning. So much more because there won't be any problems with the raw material. SPK "Bai-Khol" is one of the largest farms in the district. It has the status of a Sleeping bag and a vest from Tuvan sheepskin Made in Erzinbreeding farm for breeding Tuvan native sheep. On 1 January of 2013 the population of small horned cattle was 17 842 heads, as well as 68 heads of Large horned cattle, 128 horses and 58 camels.

On the day of the visit by the head of the republic, the work went on according to schedule as usual. Every member of the team was doing his work, so that the premier could see the entire process of work with skins, and evaluate the matters of production, as well as the perspectives of development of the industry right at the work tables. He had a long conversation with the supervisor Ertine Dulba, who shared the secrets of the craft, and told him that the people of the team were chosen well, they all work well and are conscientious. And it is important: the pay is correct too.

The process of changing a sheep skin into a fluffy fur rug, as the workers told us, takes about a week. But the production is already in great demand, and that means that there are all the chances to make it into a real Erzin trademark. At the farm it was calculated that in a year they could very well tan up to 1800 skins, sew 60 automobile covers, sleeping bags, blankets, 600 gloves, and more that 100 fur coats. There are intentions to teach the technology of skin tanning to interested people. As a matter of fact, the team has tried from the beginning to get the well tanned skin to Sleeping bag and a vest from Tuvan sheepskin Made in Erzinthe consumer as a complete finished product. They sew sleeping bags here, gloves, and vests. Sholban Kara-ool asked how the government could help. It turned out that there were quite a few problems. In the first place, there is not enough equipment for development of the production. The old sewing machines are the weakest link. Carding equipment is needed, because there are possibilities of also making felt, and skin softeners. And the workers also need to increase their qualifications. The last problem was solved on the spot. In April, a sthe minister of agriculture and provisioning of the republic, Samoilov Mongush Sleeping bag and a vest from Tuvan sheepskin Made in Erzinpromised, specialists in work with raw skins will hold teaching sessions for the members of the production team.

A lot of money is needed for this - about a million and a half rubles. So far theydecided to offer support in the form of RCP direction "Lowering tension on the work market" about 111 thousand rubles they submitted an application for participation in the project "One village - one product", and theref ore they are confident: their product will become the trademark of Erzin.

Anna Lachugina, translated by Heda Jindrak, photo by Vitalii Shaifulin
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