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» Law and Media Seminars Started in Erzin
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«    April 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Law and Media Seminars Started in Erzin

Semianr Law and Media in Erzin. Photo by Dina OyunIn Erzin, one of the most Southern districts of Tuva, a series of seminars for local journalists, carried out by Tuva-Online news agency, has started. It gathered correspondents of local news-papers, young journalists, district officials. Balance of freedom of word and journalists' responsibility, comments of laws regulating media, problems of small local news-papers, their financial dependence were raised by Marina Chanzan (Media Union), Dina Oyun (Tuva-Online), Dolaana Salchak (Autoradio), Augusta Perelyaeva (Human Rights Defence Movement), Lidia Irgit (Tuvan State Radio and TV Company). Seminar Law and Media in Erzin. 2006, April. Photo by Dina Oyun Participants of the seminar put questions concerning their work - current financial problems, necessity to bring up a new generation of Tuvan-speaking and writing journalists (the bulk of Tuvan journalists is made up of veterans over 60), local legislature related to media.Deputy head of Erzin alexistration Kisiin Mon insists on the editor's responsibilty. Photo by Dina Oyun

Erzin participants representing Southern districts of Tuva rose a question of editors' responsibility. They drew as an example the last issue of the 'Uraanhay'Weekly' where Tuvan celebrity, famous scientist and writer Mongush Kenin-Lopsan in an episode of his memoirs insult Erzins, arrogantly speaking of them as ill-bred Mongols.

Dina Oyun
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