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» Young Journalists Get Acquainted with Media Laws
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«    April 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Young Journalists Get Acquainted with Media Laws

Young journalists of Tuva gathered today in the conference-hall of the Kyzyl Educational Centre 'Anyak' (Youth). Over 20 senior schoolchildren in Kyzyl chose journalism as their future proffession and study it with the help of tutors - Anna Lachugina, Lubliana Paratmaa, Tamara Kuular in 'Anyak'. Almost 10 students of the Republican Lyceum are members of the editorial staff of the Lyceum news-papers issued quarterly have joined them today. 10 young journalists, aged under 25, working in the private-owned 'Novyi Vek' (New Age) TV company and 'Plus Inform' news-paper have also been participants of the today's seminar 'Law and Media' carried out by 'Tuva-Online' news agency in Kyzyl.

Dina Oyun (Tuva-Online), Marina Chanzan (Media Union), Anna Lachugina (Centre of Asia news-paper), Lubliana Paratmaa (State TV company), Augusta Pereleyaeva (Human Rights Defence Movement) spoke to the young people of the professional ethics og journalists, of the hard job which is sometimes not seen behind the attractive entouraje of this proffession, legislature hierachy regulating media activity.

The official conversation was followed by an informal one at a table with tea and cakes.

Dina Oyun
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