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«    July 2013    »
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Tuvan Throat Singer Kongar-ool Ondar Dead at 51

Tuvan Throat Singer Kongar-ool Ondar Dead at 51Kongar-ool Ondar, a Tuvan throat singer credited with popularizing the centuries-old musical tradition of his homeland to Western audiences, has died after emergency surgery to treat a brain hemorrhage, friends said. He was 51.

Ondar died Thursday at a hospital in Kyzyl, the capital of Tuva, a Russian republic that borders Mongolia, said Sean Quirk, a longtime friend of the singer and manager of the Tuvan throat-singing ensemble Alash.

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The Moscow times

Kongar-ool Ondar died. Tuva in moan

Kongar-ool Ondar died. Tuva in moanWorld star in Tuvan khoomei, ambassador of Tuvan culture Kongar-ool Ondar died in hospital Thuesday, 25th of July. He was taken to hospital on the eve with a very high blood pressure. ‘He never paid attention to his health, never complained of headaches or heart pain he was often suffering from’, - sais Nachyn Shalyk, deputy director of the Center for the development of Tuvan traditional culture which was initiated and constructed by Kongar-ool Ondar. ‘It is a tremendous loss for all Tuva, - Tuvan head Sholban Kara-ool said in a special message to people.- We would feel it more and more with every passing day’

  • 100
Dina Oyun
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