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«    July 2013    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Kongar-ool Ondar died. Tuva in moan

Kongar-ool Ondar died. Tuva in moanWorld star in Tuvan khoomei,ambassador of Tuvan culture Kongar-ool Ondar died in hospital Thuesday, 25th of July. He was taken to hospital on the eve with a very high blood pressure. ‘He never paid attention to his health, never complained of headaches or heart pain he was often suffering from’, - sais Nachyn Shalyk, deputy director of the Center for the development of Tuvan traditional culture which was initiated and constructed by Kongar-ool Ondar. ‘It is a tremendous loss for all Tuva, - Tuvan head Sholban Kara-ool said in a special message to people.- We would feel it more and more with every passing day’

Dozens of people come to the Center of Tuvan Culture unwilling to realize that this sad news is true. Only a year ago he celebrated on a very large scale his 50th anniversary, gathering in Tuva world stars, a fortnight ago commented a wrestle competition in khuresh…

Kongar-ool opened his life ups and downs in a very sincere interview on the eve of his jubilee. Since he is 30 he turns onto a Bashky and begins to teach khoomei to children, picking talented boys on his trips to very remote places. Almost all of his pupils turned into prominent khoomei-singers, three of them – Igor Koshkendei, Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, Evgeni Saryglar have become the youngest People’s Khoomeizhis.

Kongar-ool Ondar died. Tuva in moanDue to Kongar-ool’s charm and persistence Tuvan khoomei performers can now retire earlier like ballet-dancers. He touched this subject during the meeting of the Russian President and suddenly to the surprise of all those present sang khoomei. The question was quickly solved afterwards.

He was among the creators of the documentary film "Genghis Blues” about blind musician Paul Pena who learned khoomei from discs. The movie was nominated for an ‘Oscar” and promoted Tuvan khoomei around the world.

Tuvan people are in moan.

Farewell ceremony with People Khoomeizhi Kongar-ool Ondar will take place on Monday, July, 29, at 10 a.m. at the Centre for Tuvan culture (Russia, 667000, Tuva, Kyzyl str, 7)

Dina Oyun
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