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Naadym Events Start Today

The official program of the 3-days festivities devoted to the Day of the Republic (August, 15) and Naadym is published in local news-papers. It includes:

Naadym and Day of the Republic Events

August, 12, 2005.

8.00 – districts' delegations are coming to Kyzyl

12.00-14.00 – bicycle race with sportsmen from Khakasia, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo participating. Location – Lenin and Chuldum str.

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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Politician is Appointed Altai Governer

Mikhail Kozlov was appointed by the Presidential Decree the Altai Governer (executing duties). Kozlov born in the family of political exiles in Komi Republic lived the better part of his life in Tuva. Kozlov started his carreer in comsomol (young communist league), then worked in the state planning committee of Tuva. He was elected twice into the Tuvan parliament and became the vice-speaker of the Khural. Kozlov in 1997 together with the speaker of the Khural Mr Bicheldei run for Presidency in Tuva competing with Sherig-ool Oorzhak and his vice-president nominee Alexei Melnikov.
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Dina Oyun

Chingis-Khan's Role at all Stages of his Life – from Childhood to Old Years – in a Film by Yakut Director will be Interpreted by Tuvan Actors

Andrey Borisov, a famous Yakut director, has finished filming episodes for 'On Chingis'Khan's Will' film in the Tuvan landscapes. The film is a joint Russian-Mongolina-American venture. For the main role of the legendary warrior out of hundreds of pretenders Tuvan actor Eduard Ondar was selected. Borisov noted him in Kazan (Tatarstan) at 'the Nauruz' theatre festival early summer this year where he headed the jury. The Tuvan theatre showed there 'King Lear' by Shakespear with Eduard Ondar in the motley man image. As Borisov later on confessed it struck him immediately on seeing Eduard on the stage: 'That's the Man!'
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Dina Oyun

When will Dalai-Lama Next Visit Tuva?

The Dalai Lama's only visit to the traditionally Buddhist Russian republic of Tuva was in 1992. Since then, none of the "very many attempts" to invite him to the republic has come close to success, a former kamby-lama (head Buddhist of Tuva) told Forum 18 News Service. "Religion shouldn't interfere in politics, but we want to see him," Norbu-Sambuu Mart-Ool noted to Forum 18. The Dalai Lama has several times visited Russia's two other traditionally Buddhist republics of Buryatia and Kalmykia. But the main obstacle to a visit to Tuva - which borders Mongolia – seems to be Russian relations with China, which opposes a visit taking place. Geraldine Fagan is reporting on Forum 18 site.
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Geraldine Fagan, Forum 18

Larisa Oorzhak Won Gold Medal at European Championship

Tuvan female wrestler Larisa Oorzhak, 19, has won a gold medal in the European Junior Championship which is being held in Wroclaw, Poland. Larisa, many times winner of the world championship among 'adults' has 'brilliantly defeated all her rivals', as Valeri Onopko, chief coach of the Russian team, put it over the phone from Wroclaw to the 'Tuva-Online' correspondent.
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Dina Oyun

'Huun-Huur-tu's Workshop at an Art Camp for American Schoolchildren

The throat-singing and exotic music of nomadic Siberian horsemen filled Harris House on Tuesday, as dozens of children in Atlantic Center for the Arts' summer art camp looked on in wonder. East Volusia is reporting in 'Children in Summer Art Program Find Tuvan Music Mesmerizing' by Melanie Stawicki Azam.
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East Volusia online journal

Mongolian sentenced to prison in Tuvan border case

The Supreme Court of Tuva has sentenced to prison three Mongolian border guards who illegally crossed the border with Russia this May, a prosecutor's office spokesman Vasily Krivdik said.
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RIA "Novosti"

Tuva will Host Russian Championship in Mountain Biking in 2006

A group of bike tourists has reached Tuva. Moto-alpinists from Barnaul, Moscow and Zhukovsk headed by Viktor Pantykin are following one of the most complicated routes from Teletskoye Lake (Altai) to Mongun-Taiga (3906 m), overcome for the first time 20 years ago by Viktor Pantykin and his friends.
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Tuva is to Welcome Best Khomus-Players

Best khomus players of Russia will come to Tuva in early Autumn. Interregional schientific and practical 'Vargan' (Jew's Harp) conference will take place in Kyzyl in September, 9-11.
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Dina Oyun

Unique Eye-Witness Evidence Collected Throughout 50 Years in Tuva by World-Famous Ethnographer Now Available! In German.

One of the fullest first-hand accounts of Tuva presented by world-famous ethnographer Sev'an Vainshtein is now available to true lovers of the republic. Germany (not Russia) was the first to publish scientist's notes taken down throughout 50 years of his expeditions to Tuva in the book with the corresponding tittle 'Mysterious Tuva: Expeditions into the Heart of Asia'. The book was released at the Alouette Verlag together with the photos, throat-singing samples and a DVD-film.Famous Russian film-maker Leonid Kruglov managed to see the farthest corners of Tuva which many of the Tuvans have not ever seen.
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Dina Oyun
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