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Tuvan Politician is Appointed Altai Governer |
10 August 2005 | 2595 views | 0 comments |
Mikhail Kozlov was appointed by the Presidential Decree the Altai Governer (executing duties). Kozlov born in the family of political exiles in Komi Republic lived the better part of his life in Tuva. Kozlov started his carreer in comsomol (young communist league), then worked in the state planning committee of Tuva. He was elected twice into the Tuvan parliament and became the vice-speaker of the Khural. Kozlov in 1997 together with the speaker of the Khural Mr Bicheldei run for Presidency in Tuva competing with Sherig-ool Oorzhak and his vice-president nominee Alexei Melnikov. Bicheldei and Kozlov gathered 12 % of the votes, Oorzhak and Melnikov – the overwhelming majoritywhich late him come into office. Since then Kozlov stood in strong opposition to the power. He moved to Moscow where worked in the Federal Ministry for regional Development and came back to Tuva in 1999 as a vice-mayor in the Kyzyl alexistration.He helped Nikolai Loktionov ( a moscovite representing the Russian leading 'Yedinstvo' party) be elected a Tuvan deputy to Gosduma (lower chamber of the Russian parliament) and then he was appointed Federal Inspector in Tuva (Putin's eyes). He was not welcome in the republic and the Tuvan authorities pressed the federal centre to remove him from the Tuvan office. He was appointed federal inspector in neighbouring Kakhasia. Later on he came back to Moscow to work in the Federal Council (higher chamber of the Russian Parliament) and this May appeared to be the vice-governer in the Altai Territory with Mikhail Yevdokimov, ex-artist, at the head. Nation-wide beloved Yevdokimov elected into the office in December 2004 was not welcome by the Altai deputies and there was a strong conflict of the two branches of power in the area. Kozlov was called to save the situation. Yevdokimov died in a car-accident in August, 7. Since then the conflict became even stronger demanding Putin's interference. He interefered asking the two parties 'be on friendly terms and work for the benefit of the people'
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