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11 August 2010 | Views: 3055 | Comments: 0 |
The director of “Alash-Travel” Orlan Kirov perished while rafting down the Kyzyk-Khem river with a group of tourists. He was the head of the Tourist Association of the republic. The raft used by thye tour group capsized at the first rapids 60 km from Ush-Beldir, in a remote area of Tuva. Everybody survived except the tour guide Orlan Kirov, one of the most experienced tourists of the republic.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
9 August 2010 | Views: 2504 | Comments: 0 |
Today a group of forest fire liquidators arrived in komi from Tuva. 25 parachutists of the air fleet of Goskomles of Republic Tuva will take part in putting outb fires in three dirstricts of Komi, which has an extremely complicated situation with fires. It is the Ust-Kulomskiy and Troitsko-Pechorskiy districts ( with regime of emergency situation) and doeskin district, where 18 new fires started over the past three days. The decision to send specialists from Tuva to Komi was made by Premier Sholban Kara-ool.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
7 August 2010 | Views: 3340 | Comments: 0 |
This summer, Tuvan journalists had the fortuate opportunity to meet the living treasure of Tuva - the snow leopard. On July 21-23, the WWF organized a press- tour for journalists of GTRK “Tuva”, TK “Novyi Vek”, and journal “Plyus Inform” to visit the camp of the expedition as part of the learge-scale Tuvan project “Tos Ertine” - “Nine Treasures”.
The journalists spent three days in Mongun-Taiga district, so that they could personally experience how the snow leopards live and survive in places which were once their hunting range, and now they are settled by people.
Tatiana Ivanitskaya, translated by Heda Jindrak |
6 August 2010 | Views: 3535 | Comments: 0 |
Journalists and co-ordinators of the “Tos Ertine” project continue their travels in Tuva not just to write about Tuvan treasures, but to personally experience the trails, roads and passes, and so that the tourists would know, while discovering Tuva for the whole world, how to travel, which way to take, and how difficult or easy it may be. The photo and video cameras are focused on the attractions of Tuva.
Tatiana Ramazanova, “Plus Inform”, translated by Heda Jindrak |
5 August 2010 | Views: 3083 | Comments: 0 |
Despite a squeamish attitude of some residents of the republic towards the man-made Shagonar sea, plenty of people go there in the summer to relax. People feel maximally uninhibited - there is nobody to chase them away from the water. In the growth of wild hemp on the shore, there are copious signs of active relaxation: bottles, plastic bags, and other detritus of human life activities. But these are not the only “riches” of the shores of the reservoir.
Viktoriya Kondrashova, Tuvinskaya pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak |
28 July 2010 | Views: 3522 | Comments: 0 |
A photo of the disappearing “red Book’ snow leopard, taken with the use of photo-traps, was made in the remote high mountain district Mongun-Taiga in Tuva. The first identification photo of an irbis was taken in the Russian part of the border-spanning Tsagan-Shibetu ridge. This was announced today by the press-secretary of the Altai-Sayan project of WWF in RF, Tatiana Ivanitskaya.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
27 July 2010 | Views: 3423 | Comments: 0 |
An expedition of Russian Geographic Society is currently working in Southwestter Tuva, headed by Mikhail Amosov, a Docent of the section of physical geography and landscape planning of the department of geography and geo-ecology of LGU. The expedition is conducting a complex study of the Mongun-taiga district. The expedition is composed of three teams - glaceological (study of natural glaciation systems), hydrological and landscape-studying. The teams are based in Eastern Mugur in Tolaity
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
26 July 2010 | Views: 4216 | Comments: 0 |
One of American participants in the “Tos Ertine” project, musician Steve Sklar, is currently visiting Tuva. He is the founder of English-language site www.khoomei.com, which is the main source of information about throat singing for western listeners. This internet resource offers khoomei lessons, tips for beginners, introductory information about Tuva, announcements about concerts and lessons of Steve himself.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
25 July 2010 | Views: 2966 | Comments: 0 |
How many kurgans are there in Tuva? This is a question that is difficult to answer even for archeologists who have been working in Tuva for several decades. Many. There is not a single district without burials from the Turkic or Scythian epoch, and sometimes they can be seen intermingled on a single territory.
Viktoria Kondrashova, tuvapravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
23 July 2010 | Views: 5411 | Comments: 0 |
The future architect from Chicago, Nathaniel Douglass, 26, and photographer Josh Gerritsen, 25, have realized their ardent dream - to visit Tuva. These young men have lived for almost six months on the yacht “Tannu Tuva” , which belongs to the Douglass family. “I saw the film “Last voyage of the genius” about the unfulfilled dream of the great American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate Richard Feynman, who hoped to visit the exact center of Asia, republic Tannu-Tuva, which he found out about as a schoolboy from Tuvan postal stamps. Tuva became my own dream, too, - says Nathaniel. - We decided to name our yacht by the name of this romantic country - Tannu Tuva”.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |