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Bicycle Race “KRITERIUM” Takes Place in Kyzyl

Today, July 8, the bicycle race “Kriterium” will take place in Kyzyl at 11:00 in Lenin Street. The bicyclists participating in the race “The Sayan Ring” are now in Tuva. They were met by the leaders of the Tuvan department of the “One Russia” party. Among those meeting the bicyclists, there were also heads of the departments of the localities through which the race will be routed. – Kyzyl, Ulug-Khem, Chaa-Khol, Dzun-Khem, Ak-Dovurak. This is the first time that an athlete from Tuva is actually participating in the race. It is the 38-year-old Alexandr Nemkin.
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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva Preparing for International Symposium on Khoomei

On July 25, in Kyzyl, will be the official opening of the Fifth International Symposium "Khoomei: Cultural Phenomenon of the Peoples of Central Asia". This is the key event of the Year of Khoomei in Tuva. The most intriguing part of the program of the symposium is the throat singers' competition. Together with Tuvan performers there will be throat singing participants from Mongolia, Bashkortostan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Altay, Khakassia, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Yakutia, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Japan, America, France, the Netherlands, Austria, and Denmark.

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Ministry of Culture, translated by Ben Stevens

Rains help putting down most forest fires in Russia’s Tuva

The ongoing rains helped putting down a greater part of 11 forest fires that have raged in Russia’s Republic of Tuva from the beginning of the Russian holidays. Three fires are still burning in the republic, one of them has already been localized. If the fire area totalled more than 5,000 hectares two days ago, it has shrunk to 2.6 thousand hectares by Friday morning.

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Tuva among Five Least Polluted Regions in Russia

St. Petersburg placed 85th out of the country’s 89 regions in a newly released rating by the Russian Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency. To award a position in the rating, the experts assessed a range of factors affecting the state of the environment, including air and water pollution, changing ecosystems, the production and treatment of industrial waste, environmental protection efforts, accountability by local business communities and the endangered status and extinction of animal species.

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The St. Petersburg Times

OPK started developing Coal-Mine in Tuva

OPK Mining, a Russian coking coal producer, plans to raise $1 billion in an initial public offering next year to develop its mines in Siberia. A stake of at least 25 percent may be sold in Hong Kong or London, Dmitry Sakhno, chief executive officer of OPK's Eniseiskaya Industrial Co. unit, said today in an interview at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia. OPK is also considering selling the stake to a single investor, he said.

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The Bear Spirit

Have you ever met a bear? That is fully possible. How about, perhaps, a bear spirit? Hardly. But the members of the shamanic society “Adyg Eeren” not just meet him on a daily basis, but often address him with questions and pleas for help. And not just this one spirit, but also many others. “Adyg Eeren” is one of the strongest shamanic societies in Tuva, and its chairman, Kara-ool Donchun-ool is one of the most powerful shamans.

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Yevgeniy Antufyev, “Center of Asia”, translated by Heda Jindrak

Ustuu Khuree to Be rebuilt by the Method of Public-participation National Construction

The work on the rebuilding the unique monument of Buddhist architecture – the Upper Chadan khuree ( Ustuu-Khuree)- in the Dzun-Khemchik district will be started this summer. The questions of preparation for the early summer season, the attracting of wide public participation to the construction of the future re-established temple were evaluated in Moscow at the meeting of the chairman of the Protection Council Fund “Por-Bazhyn” , Sergei Shoigu, Chairman of the Government of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, and Kamby-Lama of Tuva, Dmampel Lodoy.

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By Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Rains Put Out Most Forest Fires in Siberia

Heavy rains helped to put out forest fires in the Irkutsk Region over the past 24 hour. The number of fires decreased from 82 to 23, but 710 hectares are still burning, the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s regional department told Itar-Tass on Friday.

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Tuva Besieged by Wildfires

Wildfires have destroyed nearly 42 square miles of woodlands in the Russian republic of Tuva, officials say.

A duty officer at the regional Ministry of Natural Resources said while firefighters had been able to contain 10 large fires in the southern Siberian region, other blazes were still spreading, ITAR-TASS reported Saturday.

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Fair of Russian Products Opens

A fair of products made in Russian Republics of Khakassia and Tuva has opened in Ulaangom soum, Uvs aimag.

In the action an active part took 16 enterprisers and 90 businessmen. They showed their products and established contracts with the province's several organizations on supplying products and materials. It was done in accordance with the agreement concluded between the governments of the Republics and administration of the aimag.

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