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«    July 2008    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Bicycle Race “KRITERIUM” Takes Place in Kyzyl

Today, July 8, the bicycle race “Kriterium” will take place in Kyzyl at 11:00 in Lenin Street. The bicyclists participating in the race “The Sayan Ring” are now in Tuva. They were met by the leaders of the Tuvan department of the “One Russia” party. Among those meeting the bicyclists, there were also heads of the departments of the localities through which the race will be routed. – Kyzyl, Ulug-Khem, Chaa-Khol, Dzun-Khem, Ak-Dovurak. This is the first time that an athlete from Tuva is actually participating in the race. It is the 38-year-old Alexandr Nemkin.

The organizers of the race report that the participant from Kyzyl is showing good speed. Today, the bicyclists are expected to get to Shagonar. This is the further schedule of the race “The Sayan Ring”:
July 8 ( race “Kriterium”, 30 km)
Towards the evening, at 17:30, after a rest period, the athletes will participate in the opening of a parade, dedicated to the bicycle race. At 18:00, right in the center of Kyzyl, the circle race “Kriterium” will start off, and for that purpose, all traffic will be stopped. But from 19:00 to 21:00 children will become the main heroes of this sports celebration. Children from 6 years of age will be competing on their bicycles, in speed at various distances. The winners and prize winners will receive awards from the organizers of the race, the local sports regulation department, and the regional chapter of the political party “One Russia”.
July 9, 2008 (6th stage) KYZYL –CHADAN ( 235 km, 4 mountain finishes, group race 65 km)
The organizers report that this will be the longest and the most difficult segment of the race. For that reason, they decided to subdivide it into 2 half-stages. The first 110 km ( to Shagonar), should be finished by noon. In Shagonar, after lunch, the participants of “The Sayan Ring” will meet with the youth, local administration, and with the members of the party “One Russia” After bringing flowers to the monument in the central square of Shagonar, the race will continue. After absolving a mountain pass of the first category of difficulty, there will be the main finish. That should be an interesting moment : before the town of Chadan, the race will be met by the local children’s club on their bicycles, and the whole group will finish together in Chadan.
July 10 ( 7th stage) CHADAN – AKSUG ( 150 km; individual uphill race, 3.5 km)
After spending the night in Chadan, the participants of the race will visit the local Chadan museum, Buyan Badyrgy. Along with a collection of ethnographic exhibits and objects of daily use, the museum shows and exposition of objects, photographs, and documentation connected with the Hero of Russia, minister of special situations, of RF, Sergei Shoigu. Further on there will be a visit of the temple complex Ustuu-Khuree, which is considered the cradle of Tuvan statehood. As a matter of fact, the re-building of this destroyed temple was started when Sergei Shoigu showed personal interest in this project ( he is a native of the Dzun-Khemchik district). The Cultural Fund “Por-Bazhyn” , whose curator council is headed by the minister MCS, became one of the active participants of the construction project. Then another start – at 10:00. The athletes will have a short rest in Ak-Dovurak, with lunch and activities organized by the members of the local chapter of “One Russia”. Then the participants of the race will also have a meeting with children.
July11, Day of Rest
From Ak-Dovurak, the group will go to the river Aksug, where the participants of “The Sayan Ring” will camp under the open sky, in the canyon of the river. Here, the athletes will have a day of rest. There is beautiful nature, a camp-fire, a bath “black manner”, and KVN. The winners will receive prizes.
July12, 8th stage AKSUG –SOTYI PEREVAL- BOLSHOI ON (160 km, 1 mountain finish; group race 70 km)
In this section, there will be a single finish. After that, camping by the river Ona, overnight with campfire and KVN.
July 13, 9th stage RIVER ONA – ABAZA ( 80 km; 2 mountain finishes; group race 60 km)
And there are again mountain passes – of the highest, first category. After the warm-up of the mountain passes, descent into Abaza. At 18:00, there will be a demonstration. The main goal of the meeting with children and youth will be propagation of healthy life-style.
July 14, 10th stage ABAZA – ABAKAN ( 200 km; I mountain finish; competition of groups, 50 km)
The start from Abaza is at 9:00. There will be a mountain finish, and descent into Tashtyp. The bicyclists will meet with local citizens, children, representatives of government ( including local sports regulation) and One-Russians. The participants of the “Sayan Ring” will do an exhibition performance in the center of the village, especially for Tashtypans. Such a bicycle-show will be also held in Askiz, which is the next stop of the race. The participants will also meet with the populace, including executives, deputates, and members of “One Russia”, children and youth, in the district center. Before Abakan, there will be a competition of groups, which will finish 14 km from the capital of the republic.
July 15, 11th stage ABAKAN ( race “KRITERIUM”, 40 km)
Ceremonial conclusion will start in the Chernogorsk Park of Abakan at 19:30. The participants and spectators will hear speeches by organizers of the race and representatives of city administration; they will see bicycle tricks performed by local bikers. At 20:00 the last race of the “Sayan Ring” will start – a 40 km “Kriterium”, that can be watched by the entire gathering. After the completion, there will be an award ceremony. The oldest and the youngest of the participants, as well as the winners of age groups and girls, will receive prizes. The participants will leave on July 16.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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