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«    April 2011    »
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The 18th season of horse races opens in Tuva

The 18th season of horse races opens in TuvaToday, horse breeders from the whole republic are coming to Chadan. In Tuva. Tomorrow the 18th season of republican horse races opens in Tuva; it is the most popular kind of sport in the republic.

Traditionally the route of the horse riders will take place at Bora-Bulak near the center of Dzun-Khemchik district - the town of Chadan.

According to information supplied by the president of Federation of horse sport of Tuva, Eduard Dagba-Lama,  more than 400 of just the riders of the race horses and horse owners are coming.  Even more fans are expected, who will be using their own motor vehicle transportation.

For that reason, it was proposed by the organizing committee to the administration of Dzun-Khemchik district to institute limitations on alcohol sales in Chadan  for 22-23 April for the purpose of  safety and order. Reinforced squads of militia will be on duty at the races, as well as GIBDD,  emergency medical services and  teams for catastrophe medicine.

For the safety of  both racers and fans, there is also a prohibition on independent riding of fans along the route of the race.

There will be special buses assigned for the most excited visitors - the owners of  race horses, so that they could cheer for their horses.

Beside that, on a special wish of the horse breeders themselves,  the usual khuresh wrestling competitions, a national sport of Tuvans, which usually bring in tens of thousands of spectators, will be  excluded this year. In the opinion of experts of the federation, it is not to the advantage of popularization of  either sport to have them both mixed  at the same event in the same place.

As Dagba-Lama announced, during these races dedicated to the opening of the  season, the plan is to have five races of different distances from  10 to 25 kilometers., translated by Heda Jindrak
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