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Bicycle Race 'Sayan Ring' Started out on the Kyzyl-Chadan Route

Today, the bicycle race “Sayan Ring” will pass through the Kyzyl-Chadan route. Yesterday, the race “Kriterium” took place on the main square of Kyzyl, the capital of the republic. Two veterans of bicycle racing, Anatoliy Khramlyuk and Andrei Semagin, achieved remarkable results. Both are former trainees of the illustrious trainer of Russia, Valeriy Denshchikov. Anatoliy Kramlyuk was first in several previous finishes and confidently tried for the first place.
However, the last circle, when the points are doubled, according to the rules of the race, the leader of the race took over the lead. He is Dmitriy Samokhvalov of Novosibirsk, the winner of “ The T-shirt of The Mountain King”.
After the main competitions, there was a race of amateurs. The age of participants ranged from 4 to 70 years of age. The winners received prizes in different age categories. The first prize in the 10-14 year age group went to 10-year-old Vasya Denshchikov, representative of Khakassia. In the ceremony of awards, the participants were - State Duma of Russia deputy Larisa Shoigu, representatives of local government, and regional department of “One Russia”.
After the ceremonial awards of prizes, all the athletes visited the “Center of Asia” monument for a photography session.

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