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11 October 2007 | Views: 4170 | Comments: 1 |
If you're into throat singing, you are certainly going to enjoy Chirgilchin, a voice harmonizing quartet from Tuva, a small Russian province north of western Mongolia.
It is a known fact that some of the best throat singers in the world hail from Tuva and a few of them are members of Chirgilchin.
Take Igor Koshkendey. He has twice won the Tuvan International Throat Singing competition, winning in all of the six styles of throat singing.
Nate Guidry, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette |
23 September 2007 | Views: 4970 | Comments: 1 |
Hong Kong-listed Zijin Mining Corp. has signed a memorandum of understanding with the government of the Republic of Tuva to develop the Kyzyl-Tashtygskoe lead and zinc mine, according to an announcement made by Tuva's head Sholban Kara-ool after a visit to China. Tuva's official delegation to China consisited of the Prime-Miiniste, Chairman of the Representative Chamber of the Great Khural Khonuk-ool Mongush and head of the exterior links agency Yelena Kara-sal. Zijing company acqainted guests from Tuva with an enrichment plant in Shangan similar to the one which is to be put into exploitation by January, 2008. The one in Todzha will produce up to 1 mln tonns of the copper concentrate.The Chinese corpoation will invest $ 206 bln all in all.
20 September 2007 | Views: 2989 | Comments: 0 |
A state of emergency has not been canceled in the Republic of Tuva yet. The state of emergency was announced over numerous forest fire in the republic on September 4. 10 serious forest fires have not been extinguished in Tuva, as Vladimir Nedelin, deputy-chairman of the republican government, told a KNews correspondent. Forests are on fire in the remote areas, where helicopters must be used.
However, local funds and finances from the reserve fund of the Russian Federation are not enough to ensure air flights to the fire areas. Tuva had already requested extra financing in the Russian Government. Due to the resignation of former Russian PM Mikhail Fradkov, the problem remains unsolved, Nedelin stated.
19 September 2007 | Views: 4679 | Comments: 0 |
Finance minister Radislav Bayan, 43, was the last from Sher-g-ool Oorzhak's team to leave the government. Yesterday his resignation was accepted at the session of the Tuva government. He was announced to go back to the bank sector, from where he was appointed to the government in 1997. Today a new finance minister Yuri Kilizhekov, 42, received a parliamentary approval for his appointment. Yury Kilizhekov had been first deputy-minister of finances..
Yury Kilizhekov graduated from the Ural State University. He is Candidate of Mathematical Sciences.
14 September 2007 | Views: 4716 | Comments: 0 |
Polls to the mayor of Kyzyl, the capital of Tuva, were declared illegal by the head of the republic. As the official Web site of the Tuvan Government reported, Sholban Kara-ool stated that the intention of Kyzyl Khural (town council) to elect a mayor as a result of contest selection contradicts to the federal law "About the general principles of local self-government management in the Russian Federation".
9 September 2007 | Views: 4680 | Comments: 0 |
Spirituality runs deep in the remote Russian Republic of Tyva. While Shamanism is the unofficial religion there, Lamaism, or Tibetan Buddhism, is the official one. But most people don’t have to choose between the two, since shamans and lamas don’t have a grudge against each other.
Tuva is located in Southern Siberia, in one of the most isolated regions of Russia. Its people’s native religion is Shamanism – a belief in spirits inhabiting everything around them.
Going to a shaman is as common for Tuvans as going to a doctor. But nowadays Tuvan shamans don’t live in woods. They drive cars, live in normal houses and even pay taxes as private entrepreneurs.
7 September 2007 | Views: 3388 | Comments: 0 |
It largely remains a mystery how a human voice can produce several pitches at once, but for Tuvans the art of throat singing comes naturally, picked up like a language. This vocal ability is believed to have developed from people trying to communicate with nature by mimicking its sounds.
The Republic of Tuva, at the geographical centre of Asia, is one of Russia's most isolated regions nestling on the border with Mongolia.
Tuvans believe that everything surrounding them – not only animals but rivers, trees and stones – is inhabited by spirits. And by learning their language, a human can capture the power of nature.
5 September 2007 | Views: 4000 | Comments: 0 |
3 days running every two hours Russia Today channel aired from Tuva. The first day, September 6, was devoted to touristic and economic prospects of Tuva. Here is a story. The firstyNever mind foreigners, many Russians know little about the Republic of Tyva and don't even know where it is. There's no train service to this remote region of southern Siberia, and flights to Tyva are few and far between. Only one road connects it with the rest of Russia.
Yet this secluded region is extraordinary in many respects. It's people, although poor, have an unusual culture. And their dramatic landscape is unspoilt.
Tuva does not fit any stereotypical image of Russia. The republic’s capital Kyzyl is the geographical centre of Asia, and oriental flavours are clearly seen in the Buddhist shrines in the streets, and in the Tuvan people themselves, who speak their native language rather than Russian
4 September 2007 | Views: 4208 | Comments: 0 |
An emergency regime has been announced in four regions of Tuva over big forest fires, a duty officer of the republic’s forest agency told Itar-Tass on Tuesday. Over the past 24 hours the number of fire beds increased from 32 to 36 scorching big acreage of 1,900 hectares. Dry weather triggered Tuva’s forest fires in late August.
3 September 2007 | Views: 3706 | Comments: 1 |
3 days starting tomorrow, September 4th till September 6th, Tuva will feature in the "Russia Close-Up" series with Ann Smith on "Russia Today" TV-channel. Every 2 hours after 10 am Tuvan time (GMT+8 daylight) till 10 pm you will be able to see the ancient palace of Por-Bazhyn and learn that it's a race against time for those excavating at the palace.