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«    September 2007    »
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Election scandal breaks out in Tuva

Polls to the mayor of Kyzyl, the capital of Tuva, were declared illegal by the head of the republic. As the official Web site of the Tuvan Government reported, Sholban Kara-ool stated that the intention of Kyzyl Khural (town council) to elect a mayor as a result of contest selection contradicts to the federal law "About the general principles of local self-government management in the Russian Federation".

Kyzyl mayor used to be elected on the democratic basis. However, after deputies approved of new regulations of Kyzyl in 2005, the mayor is introduced by a contest commission and appointed by the Khural. The term of office of incumbent mayor Dmitry Dongak is expired in October 2007. The contest commission has already started reception of applications from candidates.

Kara-ool said he found the actions of the commission illegal because they do not meet Clause 34.8 of the law about management of local self-government, which says, "The decision of a law-making body of a municipal formation comes into effect after the term of office of this body is expired." In this way, according to Kara-ool, a mayor can be elected by the Khural after the Khural is re-elected only. Tuvan head would not explain how power continuity could be ensured if the term of office of the incumbent town law-making body is over in 2009.

Sholban Kara-ool said at the meeting with Khural head Yuri Ananyin and Mayor Dmitry Dongak that he was confident of the fact that significant enlargement of power of deputies right up to the appointment of mayors violated the voting rights of citizens. In this situation the most important thing is to ensure continuity of power, especially on the threshold of winter coming, Tuvan head added.
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