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19 March 2006 | Views: 2572 | Comments: 0 |
Tuvan Vice-Prime-Minister Alexandr Brokert met with the Brazilian Compahnia Vale do Rio Doce representatives, the government press service stated. It was initiated by Brasil side which expressed its interest to take part in developing the Elegest Coal Minefield and buiding a railway to Tuva.The CVRD is a diversified company. The main spheres of its activity are iron ore extraction, copper production, black iron ore, gold, bauxite mining, manufacture of steel and aluminum, energy and transport sector.
Governmental Press-service |
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18 March 2006 | Views: 2983 | Comments: 0 |
Tuva’s throat-singing musicians have hit the United States. A talk with the country’s superstar.Imagine a human bagpipe—a person who could sing a sustained low note while humming an eerie, whistlelike melody. For good measure, toss in a thrumming rhythm similar to that of a jaw harp, but produced vocally—by the same person, at the same time. It sounds impossible, but such a style of singing exists. It’s called throat singing, or overtone singing, and it’s reached its highest state of refinement in the tiny Central Asian republic of Tuva, situated between Mongolia and Siberia (and now part of the Russian Federation).
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16 March 2006 | Views: 2371 | Comments: 0 |
RAO UES of Russia has established a Central Flood Control Commission (CFCC) chaired by Mr. Boris Vainzikher, a member of the Management Board and CTO of RAO UES of Russia. According to the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rosgidromet) and the Russian Ministry of Emergencies, the current hydrometeorological conditions are likely to lead to risk of severe flooding in many parts of the country. The highest rise in water levels, compared to the long-term annual average, is expected in the Republic of Tyva, Altay Kray, Krasnoyarsk Kray, and the regions of Orenburg , Saratov , Tomsk , Kemerovo , Vladimir , and Kurgan.
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14 March 2006 | Views: 3690 | Comments: 0 |
Today voting for the best Siberian people has started. There are 32 nominees out of which you are to select every day 7, no more and no less. Voting lasts from March, 14 to 22. Many of the petenders are actually Siberians only by birth - Dmitri Khvorostovksi (London-based opera-singer), Yuri Yekhanurov (Ukranian prime-minister, buryat by origin) . Still they contribute to the glory of Siberia, organisers believe. Among the nominees 2 Tuvans - legendary veteran of the Tuvan Cavalry Squadron which liberated Ukrain in 1944 Ver Bailak, 81, and world-famous Albert Kuvezin.
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12 March 2006 | Views: 2285 | Comments: 0 |
The inflation rate is overcoming the planned figures. Putin has expressed his concern over it in the meeting with the Russian prime-minister Fradkov. The average inflation for the first 2 months of 2006 in Siberia stands at 4,7 with Omsk in the 'lead' - 5,7 and with best results in Tuva, where it is only 1,7. The picture is 'spoiled' with sugar and salt. The sugar's price in Tuva has doubled rising from 18 rouble (60 cents) a kilo to 40 rouble (1,3 dollar)
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10 March 2006 | Views: 3784 | Comments: 0 |
Mittal Steel, one of the world steel giants, intends to buy Elegest coal minefield, Tuva. It is going to be a 1 billion dollar deal between the foreign company who with this step can come to the Russian market and Mezhprombank whose Yenisei Industrial Company owns the licence for developing Tuvan coal, Kommersant daily reports. Elegest minefield disposes of 1 bln tn of the high quality coky coal. The whole reserve is estimated at 20. It is one 6 mtr-thick layer of coal.
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8 March 2006 | Views: 2831 | Comments: 0 |
The female-ever khoomey ensemble 'Tyva Kyzy' presented to the Tuvan public its first album recorded after their American tour and released in January, 2006. The house was full. Choduraa Tumat told the spectators how the ensemble appeared on the eve of the 1998 Khoomey Symposium, thus realizing by itself legendary throat-singer Oorzhak Khunashtaar-ool's idea. 40 CDs were brought to Tuva and they were sold at an aucttion throughout the concert.
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6 March 2006 | Views: 2401 | Comments: 0 |
Ice-hockey Tournament for the Prize of the Prime-Minister has finished in Kyzyl. The competitions gathered 12 teams from Tuvan districts and Kyzyl, with the overwhelming majority of players over 40. Sportsmen from Ak-Turug village (Chaa-Khool district) won the first place beating in the final hockey-payers from Bai-Taiga. All the hockey-players of the prize-winner received 10 000 rouble (350 dollars).
Press-Service of the Government |
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4 March 2006 | Views: 2746 | Comments: 0 |
One of the first post-perestroika news-papers - Centre of Asia - today celebrated its 15th anniversary. The event which coinceded with the release of the 3d volume of the book 'People in the Centre of Asia' gathered in the Drama theatre readers of the news-paper, city authorities, deputies, members of the government, protagonists of the new book.
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1 March 2006 | Views: 2528 | Comments: 0 |
Public at large in Tuva is celebrating today 100th anniversary of Viktor Kok-ool, famous Tuvan actor and playwrite whose name Tuvan Drama theatre has been carrying for the last decade. Every theatrical season in Tuva opens up with his legendary 'Khaiyraan-bot' play staged for the first time in 1936. 13th child in the family of female-shaman Dolchan and woodworker Shogzhap he took his first lessons of the actor's mastery watching his mother's shamanic ceremonies.
Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun |