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» Highest Rise in Water Levels Expected in Tuva
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«    March 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Highest Rise in Water Levels Expected in Tuva

RAO UES of Russia has established a Central Flood Control Commission (CFCC) chaired by Mr. Boris Vainzikher, a member of the Management Board and CTO of RAO UES of Russia.

According to the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rosgidromet) and the Russian Ministry of Emergencies, the current hydrometeorological conditions are likely to lead to risk of severe flooding in many parts of the country. The highest rise in water levels, compared to the long-term annual average, is expected in the Republic of Tyva, Altay Kray, Krasnoyarsk Kray, and the regions of Orenburg , Saratov , Tomsk , Kemerovo , Vladimir , and Kurgan. The task set before the RAO UESR Central Flood Control Commission is to ensure safe operation of equipment at RAO UESR energy enterprises and prevent power failures and accidents during the 2006 flood season, delivering reliable power to customers. In particular, the Commission is to plan operation of energy facilities during the flood season so as to enable energy companies to make the most use of the available water resources. OAO "UES FGC" has been instructed to ensure reliable operation of power transmission lines and substations of 220-750 kV, and to have its engineers examine the most damage-prone parts of HV transmission lines of 330-750 kV used to transport electricity from hydropower plants.

Moreover, the Commission will work to ensure interaction with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia and local authorities to ensure safe operation of equipment and hydropower facilities during the flood.

Similar Flood Control Commissions have been set up at RAO UESR subsidiaries, including OAO "HydroWGC".
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