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» » Complaint for $1.5 billion Filed Against Chubais For Flood Damage in Tuva
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«    September 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Complaint for $1.5 billion Filed Against Chubais For Flood Damage in Tuva

A complaint of $1.5 billion damage was sent to Anatoly Chubais, the president of Russian Joint-Stock Company "Unified Energy System of Russia", and directorate of Sayano-Shushensk Hydroelectric Power Plant by two of Tuvan districts: Ulug-Khem and Chaa-Khol, whose areas were flooded by the Shagonar water reservoir. This was announced by IA Tuva-Online with reference to Tuvaenergoinvest, which defends the two Tuvan municipalities. In particular, it is marked in the complaint that there were no legal grounds for the flooding of Ulug-Khem and Chaa-Khol districts of Tuva, since no contracts on lease of flooded land had been signed either with Tuvan government or with the districts. Calculations of sums underpaid to the republic for electricity worked out for that period are attached, since 42% of the water reservoir is situated in the republic. An order by RJSC UES to form the central commission instead of a governmental one, as was planned before, is contested in the letter of complaint. It is stated that the level of 540 cm for flooding was approved of in 2000, although it had been flooding since 1989.

Compensation not paid for losses of harvests and cattle livestock constituted about 315 million dollars. Damage of facilities in the two of the flooded districts has not been compensated yet, is said in the letter of complaint.

"We hope to get a formal answer to this letter of complaint and a decision of the power engineering company for compensation of $1.5 billion from the Russian Joint-Stock Company "Unified Energy System of Russia" to alexistrations of the two municipal districts – Ulug-Khemsky and Chaa-Khol - until October, 15", Vladimir Nedelin, director general of Tuvaenergoinvest, stated.

Just downstream Yenissei Sayansk-Shushenks powers Russia's largest hydroelectric plant, which was completed in 1989 and producing 6400 MW. Its Shagonar water reservoir in late eighties flooded pastures and ancient monuments on the territory of the two Tuvan districts. Old Shagonar town was moved to another place which is now called New Shagonar, the alexistrative centre of Ulug-Khem district, as the old one was drowned. The new city as compared to the old one consists of modern five-storied buildings, but it is a stone city and as old Shagonar residents believe, without a soul.

A very emotional documentary 'Flood Zone' about this great resettlement and the people's sorrow was filmed by outstanding Tuvan film-maker Shamil Seden-ool.

Newslab, Dina Oyun
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