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«    September 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva Could Face Energy Cutoffs in Winter

Tuva was named among sixteen other Russian regions which could face an energy deficit this winter. In contrast to just three regions which had energy problems last winter a list now lists thirteen additional regions. This was announced yesterday by Anatoli Chubais, chief of Russian Joint-Stock Company "Unified Energy System of Russia". Tuva, with its 1.1% energy consumation growth during the first eight months is among these sixteen regions. There is an electricity deficit in Tuva already now, Anatoly Verzakov, director general of OJSC Tuvaenergo (part of Unified Energy System of Russia), stated.

"Two current power lines from Abaza and Shushenskoe, which the republic receives electricity from, are not enough for us. Our demand has already exceeded the power limit. Unfortunately, the situation is not likely to improve soon, since it is not planned to put the third power line into use yet. As far as possible winter restrictions are concerned, I can say that the republican population will not feel them. Mostly enterprises will suffer from them," he stressed.

According to the forecast of the Tuvan Ministry for Power Engineering, the republic will not face any difficulties in electricity consumption. Any cutting off will be caused by financial reasons.

Dina Oyun
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