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«    December 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Anomalous freeze arrived in Siberia

Today the thermometer in the capital of Tuva stayed at 43 degrees below the freezing point. Classes at Kyzyl schools were suspended. However, the majority of graduating class students  came to the class auditoriums.  Dropping of temperatures to minus 50 degrees is predicted in many Siberian regions. The freeze could cause emergency situations on the territories of  Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Krai as well as Republic Khakassia. Today and Thursday , accidents in transportation and energy objects are possible, as announced by TASS in the Siberian regional center of  Emergency services.

Anomalous freezing weather are expected in Krasnoyarsk Krai. According to data of Central Siberian administration of Hydro-meteorological service, in the central and southern areas the temperatures will drop to minus 45 degrees, , and to minus 50 degrees in the north. On December 22, frost fog is expected in places in the central and southern regions; wind gusts in Taimyr  will reach 18 meters/ second. In the mountain districts of Western and Eastern Sayans, Kuznetskiy Alatau, at elevations of more than 1000 meters there will be danger of avalanches.

Warnings have been issued by Emergency services to the heads of local administrations of Siberian territories about he conditions of inclement weather, to take preventive measures regarding possible emergency situations and to warn the population.

translated by Heda Jindrak
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