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«    January 2008    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

School Children in Tuva Stay Home due to Severe frosts

Protracted severe frosts with temperatures sinking to minus 40 degrees Celsius have been keeping general schools shut for the past few days in some parts of southern Siberia. The weather has granted an extra vacation to more than a half of 57,300 school students in the region of Tuva. The frost of minus 44 degrees that was registered in the regional capital Kyzyl Wednesday morning kept home about 18,000 kids studying in all school grades from one to eleven, officials at the local department for education told Itar-Tass. All classes were canceled in another three districts of Tuva. The region has been staying in the grips of temperatures of minus 40 and below since January 14, with brief spells of warmer weather. The situation is by no means a novelty for Tuva, though, as frosty weather crosses out up to 15 days from school curricula every year. To the apparent enjoyment of kids, weather forecasters say the temperatures of around minus 40 will stay in the region for at least another two days. About 10,000 school students are enjoying an unscheduled vacation for the same reason in the Republic of Altai, located west off Tuva. Wednesday, weather surveyors registered minus 44 degrees Celsius in the Kosh-Agach district on the border with Tuva and minus 39 degrees in the neighboring Ulagan district. Frosts will likely keep the region under their sway through to the weekend. Under the existing practice, school authorities in Altai suspend classes when the temperatures go down to minus 30. Humid air typical of the region heightens the risks of chilblains under such temperatures.

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