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электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Every Tuvan Maker of Traditional Instruments should Preserve his Own Style

Chanzy. Photo by Andrei Baranov To set up a workhouse for making traditional musical instruments in the Tuvan capital - this is a conclusion made by folk craftsmen producing traditional instruments as a result of their 3-days discussion. A seminar devoted to the problems and prospects of the Tuvan traditional instruments was organized by the Centre of Folk Arts headed by Zoya Mongush. The seminar was initiated as a continuation of the professional conversation started in May, when a contest for the title of the best maker of traditional instruments was held in Kyzyl.
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Dina Oyun

Kyzyl Residents will Take TV Lessons of Tuvan

Kyzyl-based TV company 'New Century' has won a Federal grant for the production of a series of TV lessons of the Tuvan language. The new program called 'Teremok' will be launched in the first days of the new 2006 year. It will be designed for young TV-spectators. 60% of the Kyzyl population are ethnic Russians.
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Sayana Mongush

Beauty Contest will take place in Krasnoyarsk

Alisa Saaya. Ulan-Ude. Courtesy of tyvanet Beauty Contest 'Miss Asia-Krasnoyarsk' will take place in the Siberian megapolis with the participation of the most beautiful girls from the ethnic republics. The idea of such a contest was prompted by Tuvan students who last year held "Miss Asia" among Tuvan girls studying in the Siberian cities. The event attracted attention of various ethnic diaspores in Krasnoyarsk. The new beauty contest as organizers claim should contribute to the development of the interethnic tolerance. Krasnoyarsk is considered one of the most dangerous cities for ethnic minorities.
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Yakut Film on Chingiskhaan is Supported by Mongolia

Eduard Ondar. Courtesy of Eurasia foundation Mongolia promises to support a new film 'On Chingiskhaan's Will' by Yakut film-director Andrei Borisov. This agreement was achieved at the meeting in Ulaan-Bator between Andrei Borisov, who is also head of the Yakut Ministry for Culture and Spiritual Development and Mongolian Minister for Education and Culture Mr Tsagaan. The main role in the Yakut version of the Great Chieftain's life will be played by Eduard Ondar, young Tuvan actor, who was chosen out of 200 candidates. Shooting has already taken place in Yakutian mountaineous districts, in Irkutsk region, in Buryatia and in Tuva.
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Dina Oyun

Andrian Doduk is New Head of the Forest Agency

Andrian Doduk. Photo by Vadim Kantor Andrian Doduk is appointed by Sherig-ool Oorzhak's Decree new head of the Republican Agency for Forest Resources. Before this appointment he headed the Ubsu-Nur Biosphere Reserve in the southern part of Tuva. Under his guidance the Ubsu-Nur Hollow was included into the list of the World Natural Heritage in 2004. Press-service of the Government gives no comments as to the new position of the ex-head of the agency Vladislav Kanzai.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Authorities Analyse Increase in Auto Accidents

Tuvan Government has devoted its special session to the analysis of the latest drustic increase in the number of auto accidents in the republic. During the 2 days in late October 13 people died. 8 people died in the accident on the 22nd of October, including famous very promising singer Ayas Danzyryn, when a "VAZ" with 7 passengers in (exceeding the permitted number) crashed against a truck in the vicinity of Tes-Khem.
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Press-service of the Government

Tuvan Judo Wrestlers Hard of Hearing Placed Second in Russia

In the town of Zelenograd an All-Russian Championship in judo wrestling among people hard of hearing has taken place. The Tuvan team has taken the second place in the team competition. Wrestlers from Saint-Petersburg are placed first. The team from Magnitogorsk has won the Bronze medal.
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Chelyabinsk News Agency

Rally against the Present Policy of the Russian Authorities Took Place in Tuva

Dozens of people have taken part in the today rally held on the Lenin Square in Photo by Tass Kyzyl on the occasion of the 88th anniversary of the October, 1917 revolution in Russia. Representatives of the Communist party traditionally hold big manifestations on that day. But this time they had to gather on the working day. They protested against the cancellation of the old holiday which was a date in the Russian history.
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Dina Oyun

National Unity Holiday was Celebrated in Tuva by a Charity Campaign

A new holiday - National Unity Day - was for the 1st time celebrated in Russia on the 4th of November. The date was meant to substitute an old holiday celebrated all over the counstry - the day of the October Revolution. As the authorities say, the day which split the country in 1917 should not be celebrated any more. A close to it date - the 4th of November - when the united people masses headed by Minin and Pozharski (their statue stands on the Red Square) liberated the country from the Polish occupants in the 14th century was found in the Kremlin.
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Dina Oyun

Bronze Knight Goes to Tuvan Theatre

The closing ceremony of the 3d International Theatre Festival 'Golden King Lear (Alexandr Salchak) and Regana (Galina Munzuk) Knight' is now taking place in Minsk. The jury has just declared prize-winners of the contest that gathered in the capital of Belarus 30 theatres from many countries. Tuvan theatre presented 'King Lear' and collected a number of prizes for it. First and foremost it was awarded with the "Bronze Knight" statue in the main nomination.
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Dina Oyun
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