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» 7-year-old Patient from Tuva will be Operated in Israel
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«    April 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

7-year-old Patient from Tuva will be Operated in Israel

Zhenia Chernyshov, a 7-year-old boy from the village of Saryg-Sep (Kaa-Khem district) in Tuva, is now being examined in an Israeli clinic where he is to undego a bone marrow transplantion, a costy operation which is going to be done with the financial guarantee of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Zhenia's desease was disclosed 2 years ago. The boy's health took a turn for the worse last autumn. He was brought to a Moscow clinic for children's cancrology and haemotology. His parents began collecting money for the operation and Tuvan media rose a campaign for the finacial aid. But it was impossible to gather the necessary sum of more than 200 000 dollars with these efforts. Foreign readers of Tuva-Online on seeing the banner calling for help decided to interfere and help to collect the sum for the operation. Tuva-Online made an official inquiry to the head of the clinic which as it turned out later helped to move the matter from the deadlock.

The Russian ministry found the necessary sum and the boy was brought to Israel where such operations are common.

Dina Oyun
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