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«    May 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva celebrates the Day of the Constitution together with its neighbors

Tuva, the republic in the center of Asia, celebrated its Day of the Constitution together with its neighbors. On May 6, an official delegation from Khakassia, headed by the Chairman of the Government, Viktor Zimin, arrived in Kyzyl. Together with the members of the government, a large contingent of Khakass businessmen also arrived as members of the delegation, on the new morning Abakan-Kyzyl flight.

There was also a group of artists with the leading performers and ensembles of Khakassia. The goal of the visit was

the development of interregional connections. This was the first time that Tuva observed the Day of the Constitution on such a large scale.

The main goal of this visit was to sign an Agreement of Co-operation between Tuva

and Khakassia, including business-economic, scientific-technical, and cultural co-operation.

The document was signed by the Chairman of the Government of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, and by the Chairman of the Government of Khakassia, Viktor Zimin. The term

of the previous agreement between the two regions expired in 2005.

“Our nations have much in common – an ancient land with many natural and archeological monuments; primal nature with healing springs, mountain ridges, majestic rivers and mysterious lakes; common historical Turkic roots. Our cultural and subsistence traditions, despite some differences, have much in common. We are united by the great Yenisei, which is born in the mountains of Tuva and carries its mighty waters through the lands of Khakassia. Finally, we are also united by long-standing firm ties of friendship”,

- emphasized Sholban Kara-ool at the ceremony of signing the Agreement.

Viktor Zimin congratulated the people of the brother-republic on the Day of

the Constitution, and emphasized the firm intention of Khakassia for closer co-operation with the neighboring region. The consolidation of the inter-regional ties is viewed as

an important anti-crisis measure.

There was a meeting of business circles of Khakassia and Tuva. At the outset, the guests were shown the work of the Kyzyl business-incubator. The priority of co-operation was given to the agronomic industry complex, and to the development of tourist industry.

There are plans to work with wild plants; also preferential packages for Tuvan business in Khakassia and Khakass business in Tuva, are to be worked out.

“We have ambitious plans for closer co-operation with Tuva. The second place,

and the current volume of marketing-and-production co-operation are not satisfactory, - admitted Viktor Zimin. We are very jealous of the relationships between Tuva and Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk”.

Khakassia is prepared to encourage Tuvan business, to set up favorable conditions,

to give over to the use of Tuvan business necessary areas and warehouses, and to organize a business mission in Abakan, designed to show practical help to Tuvan businessmen.

As a good-will gesture, the vice-premier of the Government of Khakassia, Andrei Novoselov, even shared his cell phone with the Tuvan businessmen participating

in the dialogues.

Besides the working meetings, the guests also visited the main treasure house of Tuva – the remarkable “Scythian Hall” in the National Museum, where the unique gold artifacts, created by Scythian craftsmen three thousand years ago, are exhibited.

A gala concert with performances by both Tuvan and Khakass stars was given in the Theatre of Music and Drama. In the concert, the Merited Artist of Khakassia, graduate of Alma-Ata conservatorium, performer of folk and popular songs, Khaiji, composer, and musician-multi-instrumentalist Yevgenii Ulugbashev, famous performer of popular and folk songs Yulia Tinnikova, and renowned ensemble “Ynyrkhas” performed together with the Tuvan master musicians. At this concert, governmental awards of Khakassia and Tuva were given out. Vice-premier of the government of Khakassia, Abrek Cheltygmashev, received a title “Merited worker of farming industry of Republic Tuva”, who used to head the Askiz district of Khakasia, and established close inter-municipal relationship with the kozhuuns of Tuva. The title “Merited Activist of Arts of Republic Khakassia” was awarded to the minister of culture and information policies of Republic Tuva, Vyacheslav Dongak.

By information from the governmental press-service translated by Heda Jindrak
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