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Daily flights from Kyzyl to Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk start on the first day of September

Daily flights from Kyzyl to Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk start on the first day of September From  September 1, there will be daily flights between Kyzyl and Novosibirsk, except Sundays, and the flight conditions will be more comfortable. At the same tiome the pricing will remain the same. In the fall, the company “Dexter”, the first Russian air-taxi, will start to perform daily flights on the route Kyzyl-Krasnoyarsk-Kyzyl and Kyzyl-Novosibirsk-Kyzyl. This understanding was reached in Kyzyl at the meeting of Premier of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool with the chairman of the board of directors of the company “Avia Management Group” (Dexter) Yevgeniy Andrachnikov. During September, which is normally the busiest month because of the start of the school year and the end of the vacation season, “Dexter” will work on the Tuvan flights in parallel with the company “NovosibirskAvia”, whose airplane flies to Kyzyl three times a week.

However, the Novosibirsk company, which is still undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, announced a couple of weeks ago that they will discontinue the flights to the Tuvan capital on September 28. In this situation, the partnership with “Dexter” gains crucial significance, as it will allow to provide continued transportation for people, and for Tuva to remain accessible.

The company “Dexter” performs express flights all over Russia with Swiss airplanes PilatusPC-12.  It is a single-engine turbo-prop airplane, with a capacity of 8 passengers at 500km/hr to distances up to 2000 km. the cabin of the plane is furnished with folding tables, rosettes for “notebooks”, personal DVD players and a rest-room. The comfort of this plane exceeds many times the flight conditions in  AN-24, which is currently used for passenger flights to Kyzy. However, according to the calculations of the company, the price of the flight will remain the same.

Today, the ticket for a flight to Krasnoyarsk is 5600 rubles, to Novosibirsk 8150 rubles. The cost of the trip with Pilatus PC-12 will stay at 5 and 8 thousand rubles respectively, as Yevgeniy Andrachnikov confirmed.  The 8-seater compact vessel will allow the problem of low utilization of flights during prolonged periods of the year to be solved. The AN-24,which is calculated for 48 passengers, was flying practically empty throughout the winter months, which led to significant losses.

Two Pilatus PC-12 airplanes will be leased to the republic for 3 years. During this period, “Dexter” will provide the performance of the flights and will take upon itself the business risk of low utilization of the flights. It is planned to double the number of Krasnoyarsk flights by the end of this year – they will fly twice a day.

“Our co-operation should be, first of all, complex. It is not simply a matter of handing over the airplanes to the republic, but also participation in the preparation of the flight and technical crew based on local personnel, and  development of a service station for this type of air vessel, - Sholban Kara-ool emphasized. – but the main thing is to plan on providing local flights to remote inaccessible districts of Tuva – Tere-Khol, Todzha, Mongun-Taiga.”

Yevgeniy Andrachnikov confirmed the readiness to co-operate and to start with the Tuvan flights. The company needs two weeks as the bare minimum to sell tickets for these flights in the accessible system “Sirena”.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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