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» German Consul Visited Archaeological Excavations in Tuva
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«    July 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

German Consul Visited Archaeological Excavations in Tuva

The German Consul in Novosibirsk, Frank Maike, has been in Tuva on a two day visit. He visited archeological excavations which are being carried out in the Pii-Khem district by the joint Russian-German expedition headed by Konstantin Chugunov (Saint-Petersburg) and promised that support for this work will be continued by the German side. The archeologists continue their work which began last year, when the discovery was made in the Tsar Valley an untouched burial mound from Scythian times. Their find provoked a world-wide sensation. The grave contained the remains of a Scythian leader and his wife . They were festively dressed and their clothes were decorated with gold ornaments and details. The mass of gold was 20 kg, but its artistic and historical value is much more prominent. The finds were brought to the Hermitage where they are now under restoration. Scientists believe that other areas of the gravesite hide more treasures -- and are continued to be financed by the Berlin Institute for Archeology. Last year the Germans donated 35,000 marks for this work.

Alexandr Filatenko
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