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«    July 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tyva Ensemble is Gran-Prix Winnet at Ustuu-Huree

Yesterday in Chadaana the fourth festival of live music finished with the official closing ceremony during which the awards were distributed.The jury had to choose the best out of 200 musicians who participating in Ustuu Khuree 2002. The Grand-Prize of the festival went to the young members of the Tyva Ensemble who truly follow in the grand tradition of their predecessors.
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Sayana Mongush

Ustuu-Huree will be Opened Tomorrow

From July 4 to 6 in the town of Chadaana (in the Dzun-Khemchik district) the third Ustuu-Khuree Music Festival will be held. This festival is devoted to the restoration of a unique Buddhist temple, called Ustuu-Khuree (in Tuvan, "Upper Monastery"). The live music festival has many styles of music represented -- folk and rock-, pop- and jazz-musicians will participate in it. The idea for the Festival Ustuu-Khuree is that of Igor Dulush, founder of the rock group Internat, ex-boxer and a very observant Buddhist.
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Dina Oyun

Igor Koshkendei is Grand-Prix Winner in Khoomei-2002

Yesterday the International Festival of throatsinging finished in Tuva. Thirty-three soloists and eleven ensembles competed in the contest. Their art was judged by music experts, among them were such noted people as Zoya Kyrgys (head of the Khoomei Center), Valentina Suzukei (a scientist), and Sayan Bapa (Huun-Huur-Tu).
  • 100
Sayana Mongush
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