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» Joint Expedition by geologists from Tuva and St. Petersburg Explored the Southern Mongolian Altai
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«    August 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Joint Expedition by geologists from Tuva and St. Petersburg Explored the Southern Mongolian Altai

A joint expedition by geologists from Tuva and St. Petersburg of the southern Mongolian Altai (bordering with China) has come to a close. The aim of the expedition was to collect geological materials for dating purposes. Geo-chronological and geo-chemical tests will be performed on chemical content in the materials to determine the age or period the material originated from. This part of Central Asia, as Dr. Ivan Kosakov, member of the expedition says, is scarcely studied. It is known that after the super-continent Rodinia (750 million years BC)split into the 7 modern ones, the Central Asian territory was at the bottom of the ancient ocean (400-280 million years B.C.). The 'closure' of the new continents brought the 'young' continent base for Tuva and Mongolia. The dating will shed new light on the time periods and chemical processes that took place in the Earth's core at the time on this part of the planet.

Dina Oyun
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