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«    December 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Exhibition "Treasures of Tuva" opened at the headquarters of Russian Geographic Society

Exhibition "Treasures of Tuva" opened at the headquarters of Russian Geographic SocietyOn December 6, 2012, at the Museum Hall of the headquarters of Russian Geographic Society in Sankt-Peterburg, there was a ceremonial opening of exhibition "Treasures of Tuva".

Republic Tuva is well known to archeologists and historians of the whole world as a treasury full of remnants of the most ancient civilizations and cultures. Scientists and curious adventure seekers have been striving to learn about them for more than 100 years, during which archeological excavations have been taking place there.

The Russian Geographic Society (Imperial Russian at that time), together with Imperial Archeological Commission has stood at the source of all kinds of scientific research in Tuva - ethnographic, geographic, and others kinds. The successor of this commission is the Institute of history of material culture of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Several years ago, Russian Geographic Society and Institute of history of material culture have again participated together in a project connected with Tuva - the huge archeologic-geographic expedition "Kyzyl - Kuragino" along the tract of the railroad of the same name, which is under construction. The task of this expedition is to perform rescue archeological excavations of several dozen of archeological objects, which are located within the construction zone (kurgan burial grounds, encampments, petroglyphs, etc.), and to perform complete scientific studies of these objects.

The expedition with participation of volunteers from various regions of Russia and from more than thirty countries of the world, is calculated to take at least four years; two field seasons have already been completed. The exhibition "Treasures of Tuva" presents the scientific results and discovered artifacts, as well as other materials.

The concept of the exhibition presupposes not just knowledge of the ongoing archeological project on Tuvan territory, but of the whole tradition of archeological research in this country.

Beside materials resulting from the "Kyzyl-Kuragino" expedition, visitors will be introduced to materials from the expedition of Alexander Danilovich Grach, expedition "Por-Bazhyn", as well as some other expeditions of the Institute of material culture and Russian Geographic Society.

Among the artifacts on exhibit there will be materials from Scythian era (war and funerary axes, daggers, knives, women's and men's jewelry and adornments, and items of daily use), and adornments of buildings of Uighur khanate epoch.

Remember that this exhibition was already presented in the city on the Neva river, also in December., translated by Heda Jindrak
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