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«    January 2003    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Sayana Mongush (Tuva-Online) is Awarded with the Prize

Within the framework of the Festival of Russian Press, celebrated all over Russia, the head of the Tuvan Parliament Sholban Kara-ool received the most prominent Tuvan journalists and greeted them on behalf of the Tuvan deputies.
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Dina Oyun

Sholban Kara-ool, 36 will Compete with Sherig-ool Oorzhak, 60 for the Highest Post in the Republic

The council of the "Yedinstwo" (Unity) party has defined its candidate for the Prime-Minister elections which will take place in Tuva March 17, 2002. According to the new constitution of Tuva the Presidential post in Tuva is substituted by the Head of the Government. The main candidate of "Yedinstwo" (one of the most numerous parties in Russia) will be Sholban Kara-ool.
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Sayana Mongush

7 out of 18 Heads of the District Militia Departments are Fined

The annual meeting of the high ranking militia officials with the participation of the Republican Prosecutor and the representative of the State Security Body (FSB) took place in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The results of the Tuvan militia work in 2001 were on the agenda.
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Dina Oyun

Construction of New Schools and Living Houses Finished on the New Year Eve

The construction of three new buildings was completed on the very eve of the New Year. A new school 240-pupils' strong will begin functioning in 2002 in the village of Bert-Dag (Tes-khem distict) A new school was also opened in the village of Boyarovka. And 35 families will move into new flats of the new house in 2002 in Kyzyl.
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Dina Oyun

Sherig-ool Oorzhak Greets the Newly-Born Babies of 2003

Today President of the Republic Sherig-ool Oorzhak visited the Kyzyl Maternity houses and greeted the two women who gave birth to the children during the first day of the new year. The first newly born 2002 child was a girl in the Shoisan-ool's family.
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Dina Oyun

13 People Killed over New Year Night

The unprecented number of crimes was fixed during the New Year festivities in Tuva. From 31 till 2 January 13 people were killed. 14 robberies and stealings were commited.
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Dina Oyun

Sventalan Mongush had Defended Doctorate Thesis on the Tuvan Heroic Epos

Svetlana Mongush, a Tuvan scientist has succesfully defended her Doctorate Thesis on "Tuvan Heroic Epos" on the very eve of a new year. She will be the second Tuvan woman-Doctor in Sciences, but the first one in philology.
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Dina Oyun

10 Tuvan Orphans will Celebrate New Year in Kemlin

5 600 children-orphans from all the corners of Russia took place in the New Year festivities in the Kremlin. Tuva was represented by 10 children. Small delegates were given New Year present, greeted by Russian Santa Claus and President's wife Liudmila Putina.
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Dina Oyun

Presidential Post in Tuva will be Substituted by the Head of the Government.

In the coming year the Presidential post will be substituted by the head of the Government. It is in accordance with the new Constitution of Tuva adopted at the Referendum on May, 6, 2001.
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Dina Oyun
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