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«    December 2004    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

To Defend Democracy: a New 'Action' Commitee is Founded in Russia

All-Russian Civil Congress has just been held in Moscow. It gathered civil rights defenders and journalists from all the far-off places of Russia including Tuva which was represented by Augusta Perelyaeva (Civil Rights Defense Comittee) and Dina Oyun (Tuva-Online).
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Dina Oyun

New Film on Tuva has been Produced by Local TV Company

A new film on Tuva has been recently produced by the State TV Broadcasting Company "Tyva". It opens up a new world to you - the intriguing and unique world of Tuva and its nomads, who still make up two-thirds of the population. People from the very heart of Asia, with its infinite steppe and impenetrable taiga, hot desert sands and snow-capped mountain peaks, its blooming Alpine meadows and severe tundra.
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Dina Oyun, Audrey Wideman

Arjopa (Germany): Going on with the Debate about Khoomei

Different opinions on the future of khoomei and participation of foreign throat-singers in the Tuvan khoomei competitions go on coming. Here is a view by Arjopa (Germany) complimenting the discussion started by the review of the Festival of Khoomei dedicated to Gennady Tumat (July, 2004).
As a professional musician and the only foreign jury member of last year's Khoomei-Symposium 2003, I think that the participation of none-tuvan singers should be handled in a different way.
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Arjopa (Germany)
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