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» Tuvan Parliamentary Commission will Investigate the Murder of the 2 Tuvan Soldiers in Buryatia
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«    Fabruary 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Parliamentary Commission will Investigate the Murder of the 2 Tuvan Soldiers in Buryatia

Parliamentary Commission from Tuva is expected these days in Kiakhta (Butyatia), where in the end of January two Tuvan soldiers, who left their military unit without permission, were killed. The official version has it that the Tuvans on being asked to surrender opened fire, thus the only way to stop them was to kill 18-years-old Shoraan Shanmak and Artysh Mongush. The commander of the military unit rejects any allegations stating that the Tuvan soldiers while on service underwent different forms of humiliation, as it was reported later by their mothers who drew their letters as an evidence. Interviews with them were cited on tuva-online. The commander sees the reasons for such a behavious of the young men in the emotional national features of the character. The military commissar of the Republic in the recently held charity marathon devoted to the Day of the Motherland's Defender (February, 23) called from the stage the two soldiers criminals and reproached tuva-online correspondents of the search for 'heated facts'.

Dina Oyun
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