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» General of the Chinese Army Visited Tuva
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«    September 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

General of the Chinese Army Visited Tuva

Major General of the Chinese People Liberation Army, Photo by the Governmental Press-Service Commander of the Provincial Military Region of the Inner Mongolia Juan Gao Chen has arrived in Kyzyl following his talks in Novosibirsk. There he signed with his counter-part Igor Kurilov an agreement on the copperation between the Provincial Military Region of the Inner Mongolia and the Siberian Frontier Management. The agreement covers the frontier issues. But as Kurilov noted the Chinese stretch of the Russian border line is one of the calmest. Juan Gao Chen met Tuvan Prime-Minister Sherig-ool Oorzhak. The guest underlined in a short interview that his visit carries an acquaintance character.

Interesting is the fact that Tuva before 1911 had been part of China since 1758 when the Tsin dynasty occupied the territory which was before it run by Altyn-Khans. Mongolia and Tuva felt free after the revolution in China in 1911. Tuva came under Russian protectorate in 1914, but up to 1956 when the Mongolian-Chinese Frontier Treaty was signed, China had raised up questions concerning its ex-territories - Mongolia and Tuva.

Dina Oyun
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