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» Book on Ethnographic Research in Tuva is Represented at the International Leipzig Book Fair
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«    March 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Book on Ethnographic Research in Tuva is Represented at the International Leipzig Book Fair

A new book by famous Russian ethnographer Sevyan Weinstein 'Mysterious Tuva: Expeditions to the heart of Asia' issued in Germany by Alouette Verlag, is presented these days at the International Leipzig Book Fair. It acquaints a reader with the mysterious place called Tuva through the eyes of a curious observer who devoted to the republic in the very heart of Asia 50 years of his life. The book is supplied with the DVD-disc of photos and video filmed by Leonid Kruglov. Interesting is the fact that the German version of the book comes out earlier than the Russian one which is to Sevyan Weinstein's knowledge is to be released in the second half of this year. Yurgen Boden representing the Alouette Verlag is planning to come to Moscow April, 11 and to personally present the author with the new book. He is also willing to hold in the Russian Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology presentation of the book for Russian public. On April, 12 Sevyan Veinstein is going to celebrate his 79th birthday.

Dina Oyun
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