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» Krasnoyarsk is one of the least Tolerant to Ethnic Minorities Cities
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«    April 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Krasnoyarsk is one of the least Tolerant to Ethnic Minorities Cities

Krasnoyarsk which after the Sunday referendum on the Union of the three Russian provinces – Taimyr, Evenkia, Krasnoyarsk territory – into a bigger one is considered to be the most probable centre of the future siberian hyper-region with Khakasia and Tuva to be the next ones to join it. It is the least tolerant to ethnic minorities cities in Siberia, of this opinion are many young Tuvans studying in the Krasnoyarsk higher schools and institutions. The last fact of detaining Tuvan student Tumen Baiyr by Krasnoyarsk militia April, 12 without any apparent reason for it is another Pro to this point of view. The Tuvan was released after paying 300 roubles. There are other numerous facts testifying to the purposeful hunt of the local militia for 'Asian Sheep' in the hope of receiving the money from them. Industrial Krasnoyarsk in contrast to academic Novosibirsk and intelligent Tomsk is considered as one of the most intolerant cities to the ethnic minorities in Siberia. Still it is one of the most probable pretenders tp be a future centre of a huperregion with different ethnic groups living in it, following the latest trend of regional extension and diminization of Russian provinces numbering now 89 to 40 and further on to 12.

Sayana Mongush
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