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«    May 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Prime-Minister of Tuva Delivered his Annual Message

Sherig-ool Oorzhak has delivered his annual message to the Great Khural of Tuva. It consisted of 4 parts. In the first one he spoke of the achievements among which are: the risen life level, the money incomes per capita has gone up by 16, 7 %, and the average month salaries – by 27, 7%. Demographic situation has traditionally improved – birthrate in Tuva is now 2 times as big as that in Russia on the whole.
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Press-Service Information

State Donations for Press will be Distributed by Tender

A new law on the state support of the local mass media was developed by deputy Anatoli Damba-Khuurak. The corresponding parliamentary committee has discussed the draft law today at its session. It is proposed that the money from the budget designed for the press-support will be distributed among local media on the basis of the contest and in accordance with the specialization of the media independently of its status – private or state-owned.
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Dina Oyun

Andrei Khertek should Prove to be the Strongest One

Winner of the recently held khuresh tournement, devoted to the Victory Day, young wrestler Andrei Khertek is reproached by the experienced Tuvan wrestlers of having won the competition by chance and of not deserving this victory.
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Dina Oyun

Mongolian Frontier Guards Killed their Colleagues

Yesterday a group of Mongolian frontier-guards killed two of their colleagues – Luvzhanzharov and Galbold and dissapeared armed with 3 Kalashnikovs and corresponding ammunition. Today 3 riders armed with automatic guns have been noticed 8-10 kilometres away from the Tuvan-Mongolian border by local people in the Tuvan frontier village of Torgalyg.
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Dina Oyun

12 Times Khuresh Champion Ayas Mongush was Defeated

Andrei Khertek has sensatonally become the champion of the traditional 'Shyn' news-paper tournement, devoted to the Victory Day. Ayas Mongush, 12 times khuresh champion, the main pretender for the gold medal, this time was not even in the final. He was defeated in the prelominary rounds by his constant rival Maadyr Mongush.
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Dolaana Salchak

Tuvan War Veteran was Invited to the Presidential Reception in the Kremlin

Vera Bailak, medical sister in the Tuvan Cavalry squadron, was an official guest at the Victory festivities which take place these days in Moscow. 81-year-old war veteran was selected out of the very few left veterans due mostly to her combat merits, her labour activity – she is still the head of the huge farm, and good health. She turned out to be almost the only one fit to stand 7-hours long air flight to Moscow.
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Dina Oyun

Today in Tuva the Day of Constitution is Celebrated

Today in Tuva is a day-off. Tuvan Constitution Day has been celebrated May, 6 since 2001 when a new Tuvan Constitution was adopted at an all-republican referendum. The preparation of the new main Law went in the tight political fight in between the President of the Republic who developed the draft law and the Supreme Khural (then the name of the Tuvan Parliament). Deputies did not approve some of the changes introduced by the new Constitution – liquidation of the presidential post, bicameral parliament with an unprecedented for the 95 per cent donated Tuva number of the deputies – 162, private property for land etc.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Special Police Forces Released Hostages in Theatre in Half an Hour

Tuvan Ministry for Internal Affairs takes extra measures to provide security during forthcoming celebration of 60th Anniversary of Victory in World War II. Police structures work through their actions for case if acts of terrorism occur, GTRK 'Tyva' reports. Today they released conventional hostages from Tuvan Music and Drama Theatre named after Viktor Kok-ool in 30 minutes.
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Tuvan State TV - GTRK 'Tyva'

American University Teaches Tuvan

For the first time at an American university, a course devoted entirely to the Tuvan language has been conducted. David Harrison, who is assistant professor at the Linguistics Department & Cognitive Science Program of Swarthmore College, USA and post-doctoral researcher at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany taught the seminar past semester at Swarthmore College and had 13 students enrolled.
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Alexander Papyn
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