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«    October 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Throat-Singers will Take Part in Paul Pena Memorial Concert

Memorial Concert, devoted to Paul Pena, San Franicsco's legendary bluesman and subject of the Oscar-nominated documentary, 'Genghis Blues', will take place on October 23, 2005, 3:00 - 5:00pm in the Swedish American Hall (2174 Market Street, San Francisco). Appearances by: Chirgilchin (Tuvan Throatsingers), Tyva Kyzy (Women Throatsingers from Tuva), Big Bones, Stephen Kent, Members of Zulu Spear, Clara Hsu (poet), Seth Augustus, Arjuna, creators of “Genghis Blues”, and others...
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'Kyzyl-Moscow' Festial Opens in the Russian Capital

The second 'Kyzyl-Moscow' Festival has opened in the Moscow cultural 'Ene-Say' group from Tuva centre 'Dom'. The house was full. Nearby a yurt was set up where journalists gathered for a press-conference were offered traditional Tuvan food. Eric Saryglar opened the program with his extremely low kargyraa. His performance was followed by the 'Salgal' group of young throat-singers, fresh school-leavers of the Kyzyl school № 4. Ayan-ool Sam has presented his own variations of Tuvan traditional singing. Otkun Dostai and Georgi Beletski (director of the festival) performed Tuvan cuplets.
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Dina Oyun

Ulangom's Days are now Celebrated in Kyzyl

Kyzyl is welcoming a delegation from Ulangom, alexistrative centre of the Ubs aimak in Mongolia. Within the Days of Ulangom in the Tuvan capital festivities will take place. Ulangom delegation includes teachers, doctors, officials and schoolchildren.
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Dina Oyun

Group of Tuvan Teenagers Beat Bus Driver

A group of Tuvan teenagers beated a bus driver and wounded him with a knife. It happened on a bus which was going from the city centre to a cottage settlement on the right bank of the Yenissey. Young men which mounted the bus demanded that the bus stop on the steep turn far from the route. The driver did not obey this command and was severely beated.
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Ayana Lama

Conference Devoted to the 75th Anniversary of the Tuvan Written Language Opened in Kyzyl

During two days Tuvan scientists will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Tuvan Scientific Research Institute for Language, History and Literature which is nowadays called Tuvan Institute for Humanities. The first day will be devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Tuvan written language and will pass in the form of the scientific conference.
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Dina Oyun

Increase of the Group Rapes among Teenagers is on the Government's Agenda

Today the increase of the group rapes with the participation of the teenagers was discussed at the Governmental session. Although the criminal rate on the whole is now on the decline, the number of group rapes is growing.
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Dina Oyun

61 Years Ago Tuva Joined the Soviet Union

Today is the special day in the Tuvan history which was always celebrated on a large scale - 61 years ago Tuva joined the Soviet Union. The decision was made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union headed by Mikhail Kalinin on the application of the Small Khural of the People's Republic of Tuva. Tuvan delegation at this historic session was headed by Salchak Toka, General Secretary of the Tuvan People Revolutionary Party. Among its members were also Alexandr Chimba, prime-minister of the Tuvan Government and Oorjak Lopsanchap, outstanding Tuvan cattle-breeder, whose name nowadays carries one of the Kyzyl streets.
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Dina Oyun

Militiamen Defeated Bailiffs in the Final and Won the Gold Cup

'Dinamo' football team made up of the militiamen has become for the third time winner of the Presidential Cup. In the final it defeated the 'Dogee' club composed of the bailiffs, new-comers in the republican football tournment. 'Dinamo' players received 1000 premium dollars each.
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Press-Service of the Government

Today is Tuvan Reasearcher Leonid Potapov's Memorial Day

5 years ago Leonid Potapov, 95, famous researcher of the Siberian folks, Leonid Potapov. Courtesy of Kunstkamera. passed away in a small village within the Leningrad region. It went unnoticed by public at large as since perestroika Potapov, Lenin and Stalin State Prizes winner, had been considered a scientist of old party school. 2005 is also the year of Potapov's 100th anniverasary which was celebrated neither in Altai, where he was born, nor in Tuva where he has been researching for 11 years. Taken away all that party 'element' from his scientific works his contribution to the ethnographic study of the Siberian folks is really huge.
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Dina Oyun

We're jammin'

It all started in a small room behind the teacher's toilet, deep in Siberia, at a Courtesy of The Guardian. Photograph by David Levene school in Tuva, the smallest and most remote republic in the Russian federation. Not this jam, you understand, but the musical journey of Albert Kuvezin, leader of the group Yat-Kha.

"Our teacher said, 'If you want to clean the room, you can use it.' We were so happy! We had some old equipment and we started copying Russian underground bands. All our friends loved it. There was no other possibility to listen to such music for us then.

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The Guardian
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