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» Moscuvites Meet Shagaa in Mid-February
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«    Fabruary 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Moscuvites Meet Shagaa in Mid-February

Moscow-based Tuvans will get together to meet Shagaa on the 18th of February, almost 20 days after all the Tuvans greeted new year according to the moon calendar. The date is chosen to have all the Tuvan students back from their winter holidays spent in Tuva as the bulk of the Tuvan diaspore in Moscow is made up of the students. Moscow Shagaa will have as stars Kongar-ool Ondar and his pupils - 'Alash' musicians. On their way to America to take part in the Openworld program they will make a stop in the Russian capital to give a concert for the countrimen and make all the visa formalities completed.

In the program as well is an exhibition of the craftsworks of Tuvan women presented in Moscow by the Union of Tuvan women. And as is reported a festive preaching delivered by Tibetan monks will take place in the House of Culture of the ZIL autoplant where the new year welcome is to take place.

Dina Oyun
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