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» Renowned Tuvan Khoomeizhi Fiodor Tau Died
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«    March 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Renowned Tuvan Khoomeizhi Fiodor Tau Died

March, 18 Fiodor Tau, 77, renowned Tuvan throat-singer died. He was born in the place of Sal in the Tes-Khem district on the 5th of September. He began practising sports, skiing mostly, while serving in the army in the 50-ties. Coming back to Tuva he did not drop skiing and became 12 times champion of Tuva in it. His record in the 50 km ski-race has not been improved. He confessed later to Tuva-Online that it is due to sports that he could throat-sing till very old years. In the army his family name Tovuu was misheard by Russian military officials and he became Tau. He was awarded with the 'People's Khoomzhi of Tuva' tittle in 1993. Tau's only son Chingis is 28, when serving in the army in Chechnia he was wounded into the leg and is an invalid now.

Dina Oyun
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