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» Tuvans had to 'Catch' Solar Eclipse
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«    March 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvans had to 'Catch' Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse in Tuva. Photo by Ayana Lama Tuvans could see total solar eclipse on March, 29, for almost 2 minutes. From the early morning the sky was cloudy and people were desperate not to miss an extremely interesting astronomical phenomenon. But just before 7 p.m (local time) clouds partially broke up and at 7.45 p.m. the Moon was slowly covering the Sun. It was fascinating. 'Magic' whispered people. Cars stopped. But one should have 'caught' a sight of the eclipse running from one spot to another as it was not seen from everywhere. Solar eclipse in Tuva. March, 29, 2006. Photo by Ayana Lama Numerous cameramen. Flashlights. Young astronoms with comet-seekers. People living in Russia have not yet had a chance of observing a total solar eclipse in the 21st century. The last total eclipse of the Sun could be observed only in the northern regions of the European part of Russia on March 9, 1997. A solar eclipse similar to the one on March, 29 this year took place 25 years ago, in 1981. The next solar eclipse will be visible in the European part of Russia only in 2061.

Tuva-Online and Uraanhay weekly are collecting the photos with Solar Eclipse in Tuva for the photo contest. You can send your photos to info@tuvaonline.ru or uraanhay@mail.ru

Dina Oyun
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