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«    July 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Russian rescuers establish first trade union

Rossoyuzspas's founding congress. Photo by Vitaliy ShayfulinRescuers from all across Russia came together in southern Siberia Thursday to set up an association that would serve as a trade union and coordinate disaster management programs nationwide. Delegates representing the Emergency Situations Ministry, as well as municipal and volunteer rescuers from 57 out of the nation's 88 regions attended Rossoyuzspas's founding congress in Kyzyl, the capital of the Tuva republic, about 2,900 miles east of Moscow.
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RIA "Novosti"

Russian Space Agency Joins Anti-Drug Campaign in Tuva

Russia’s federal space agency, Roskosmos, will join in the effort to detect and destroy wild narcotic hemp in the Republic of Tuva this year, the republic’s head of government Sherig-ool Oorzhak told a session of the anti-drug commission, reported the Itar-Tass news agency.
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Throat-singing 'Cedip tur' Band (Finland) to Perform in Kyzyl

Cedip tur from Finland. Photo from the group's site 'Cedip tur' band of finnish throat-singers is to perform July, 19 in Kyzyl, at a newly opened 'Khoomeizhi' caffee. It's a second concert on the group's record to be given in Kyzyl. The first one took place in 2001, founder of the Finnish Asociation of Throat-Singing Sauli Heikkila, group's leader said to 'Tuva-Online'.

Cedip Tur gets together few times a year and has about 10 gigs every year.

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Dina Oyun

English Language Summer Camp Finishes its First ever Season in Tuva

Boys dance. Photo donated by ELO, USEmbassy English language camp for 70 children ages 12-15 today finishes its first ever season in Kyzyl. The Tuvan-Turkish Lyceum in Kyzyl has been running a three-week English language camp with the support of the U.S. Embassy's English Language Office (ELO). The camp is the second of its kind, this year featuring the support of alumni of U.S. government exchange programs, including Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) and American English Language Fellows, the U.S. Embassy's Attache for English Language Programs, Dr. Bridget F. Gersten said to Tuva-Online.
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Dina Oyun
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