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» Throat-singing 'Cedip tur' Band (Finland) to Perform in Kyzyl
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«    July 2006    »
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Throat-singing 'Cedip tur' Band (Finland) to Perform in Kyzyl

Cedip tur from Finland. Photo from the group's site 'Cedip tur' band of finnish throat-singers is to perform July, 19 in Kyzyl, at a newly opened 'Khoomeizhi' caffee. It's a second concert on the group's record to be given in Kyzyl. The first one took place in 2001, founder of the Finnish Asociation of Throat-Singing Sauli Heikkila, group's leader said to 'Tuva-Online'.

Cedip Tur gets together few times a year and has about 10 gigs every year.

This time on stage will be Imre Peemot (who is already there, carrying out a field research, Imre was given a Best Foreign Performer title at the recent Ustu-Huree-2006)), Sami Jansson and Sauli Heikkila.

Sauli Heikkilä in 2005 took an active part in the discussion following the Gennady Tumat Throat-Singing Contest-2004 in Oviur, when local performers rose a question whether foreigners should experiment freely with the khoomei.

Sauli remarked in this regard: I haven't ever heard anybody saying that Finns should not sing Irish songs. Vice versa. Local bands can spread the message that this kind of art form exists and real masters live far in the central of Asia. I think this will only bring more work to Tuvan singers and bands. In my mind our band is going toward something that has never heard using all the things we have learned during our trip'.

Dina Oyun
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