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» Going on with the Debate about Foreign Khoomei Singers. Opinion from Finland
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«    Fabruary 2005    »
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Going on with the Debate about Foreign Khoomei Singers. Opinion from Finland

Hi from Finland!
Red about last summers debate about foreigners right to sing khoomei. First of all: I think that Tuvans, Mongolians or anybody can do much to prevent people to sing. I highly recommend Tuvans to take real close look to example bluegrass or Irish music which are little bit more known all around
the world than khoomei. I havenґt ever heard anybody saying that Finns should not sing Irish songs. Vice versa. Local bands can spread the message that this kind of art form exists and real masters live far in the central of Asia. I think this will only bring more work to Tuvan singers and bands. In my mind our band is going toward something that has never heard using all the things we have learned during our trip.
We visited Tuva 2001 and had a concert there and feedback was very kind. But of course we are aware what is our place in khoomei-world. I have no
intensions to challenge Tuvan masters. A taste of our coming CD can be
found here: http://www.kolumbus.fi/pienihuone/cediptur/ogbeler.mp3 http://www.kolumbus.fi/pienihuone/cediptur/ctgig.jpg.
The name of our coming CD is Traktorist and Imre Peemot has made his own CD of Tuvan music; Dyj ortuluktung yry.
We have our tango-singing contest, wellcome to take part.
With all the respect.

Sauli Heikkile (Finland)
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