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» » United Russia Party Wants Audit Chamber to Revise Financial Activity of Tuvan Parliament - Opposition's Headquarters
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«    December 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

United Russia Party Wants Audit Chamber to Revise Financial Activity of Tuvan Parliament - Opposition's Headquarters

Almost 100 United Russia State Duma deputies applied to the Audit Chamber of Russia to check up on the financial activity of the Legislative Chamber of the Great Khural chamber. Governmental press-service reports numbering among those who joined in an application deputies from LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), CPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and Rodina (Motherland). But the latter three factions press-services appeared not to be in the know of the appeal when asked by Tuva-Online correspondent. United Russia deputy Chylgychy Ondar's aide confirmed an application but could not specify who else besides Ondar signed it. Apparently this appeal has nothing to do with economic issues attached to the question but is another testimonial to the ongoing fight between the executive and legislative branches of power.

The Tuvan government headed for the last 16 years by Sherig-ool Oorzhak (United Russia leader in the recent elections) has been in constant opposition to the Khural, no matter who was in the head of the parliament - Kaadyr-ool Bicheldei, Sholban Kara-ool, Vasili Oyun. For the last 12 years Oorzhak has undertaken more than once attempts to deprive the Khural of its property - building, other premises, transport, but deputies fought them back stressing the necessity of the division of powers principle.

This time Oorzhak can succeed in achieving his task to get hold of the inofficial opposition headquaters by hands of his partymates in Gosduma, while the new Legislative Chamber is headless.

Dina Oyun
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