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«    December 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Olympics for Physically Handicapped People in Tuva

Sports events for disabled people in Tuva took place in Kyzyl. The Olympic program included arm-wrestling, darts, table-tennis, chess, checkers, and wheelchair races. Over 80 sportsmen representing the Tuvan House for Disabled People, The Society of Blind People, School for Deaf Children, and schools for children with physical and mental disablities have taken part in the event.
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Dina Oyun

Russian Beauty Contest to Be Held in Kyzyl

Russian Beauty Contest in 2005. Photo from Risk-inform news-paper site The Fourth Russian Beauty Contest is to be held in Kyzyl on December 23. Girls aged from 14 to 25 are invited to take part in it. The Russian Beauty compliments another beauty contest in Tuva, the annual Dangyna, in which top places are usually taken by Tuvan girls. The better part of pretenders in both contests are schoolgirls under 16.

In 2004 the Second Russian Beauty was accompanied by a scandal.

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Dina Oyun

Five People Died in a Car Accident

Four people died in a car accident 200 km to the south of Kyzyl on the road heading to the Mongolian frontier. Seven people were injured and taken to the hospital, where one of them died, Aleftina Dorzhu, spokesperson for the Emergency and Civil Defence Unit in Tuva reported to Tuva-Online. Tragic statistics of road accidents in Tuva is still on the rise, despite of the efforts undertaken by the Tuvan Government.
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Dina Oyun

United Russia Party Wants Audit Chamber to Revise Financial Activity of Tuvan Parliament - Opposition's Headquarters

Almost 100 United Russia State Duma deputies applied to the Audit Chamber of Russia to check up on the financial activity of the Legislative Chamber of the Great Khural chamber. Governmental press-service reports numbering among those who joined in an application deputies from LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), CPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and Rodina (Motherland). But the latter three factions press-services appeared not to be in the know of the appeal when asked by Tuva-Online correspondent.
  • 0
Dina Oyun
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