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«    April 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Wrestler Seriously Injured in a Car Accident

On April 22 Tuvan wrestler and the main Olympic hope of Tuva, two-time European champion, including in Sofia in 2007, Lorisa Oorzhak, who suffered serious injuries in a car accident and had her kidney eliminated, was moved from the intensive care to the surgical department. Chief of surgical department of Achinsk Central District Hospital Yury Goncharov informed Ves Sport agency about the state of the girl. "Lorisa was moved to our surgical department in the morning," he said, "She is in the common ward. Visitors are allowed. There are her relatives and coach there now. Lorisa Oorzhak is conscious. She is reported as being in a stable condition.

We have a good forecast. In general everything is like in any case with similar injuries. I think it will do without complications, then she will stay in our department for about 18 days. Certainly, she will have to undergo a rehabilitation course due to a shoulder injury. She will have to wear a fixing bandage. But these are trifles."

As Newslab reported earlier, two winners of European Wrestling Championship Lorisa Oorzhak and Anna Polovneva, along with Russia's national team coach Victor Raikov got in a car accident on Saturday morning going from Krasnoyarsk to Nazarovo. The car driven by Raikov hit the edge of the pavement and crashed against a bus stop. Raikov suffered thorax fracture and a knee injury. Polovneva received a shock and an acute spinal cord pain. They are already at home. Oorzhak remains in the intensive care. She is reported as being in a very grave condition. She had a kidney and jejunum breaches and shoulder dislocation.
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