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«    July 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Scientific Conference Devoted to Founder of the Tuvan State Takes Place in Chadan

Today a republican scientific conference devoted to the 115th anniversary of Buyan-Badyrgy Mongush, last feudal ruler of Tuva, founder of the Tannu-Tyva state in 1921, opens in Chadan, his motherland. The conference is held within the framework of the 9th Ustuu-Khuree Festival of live music visited by over 500 guests from many regions of Russia and foreign countries. The festival and the conference are backed by the Tuvan government. The festival is aimed at reconstruction of the Ustuu-Khuree monastery ruined in 1930-ties. Villa Khaslavskaya, author of the reconstruction project, is this year honourable guest.

The new opera 'Buyan Badyrgy' staged on the basis of Mongush Kenin-Lopsan novel, will be presented to the public in Chadan.

Buyan Badyrgy is an adopted son of the Khaidyp ugerda, head of Daa district (it embraces the modern Dzun-Khemchik and Sut-Khol districts territories). Buyan-Badyrgy was brought up in an aristocratic atmosphere, he spoke Russian, Tibetan, Chinese.

Buyan-Badyrgy after his father death ran the district and in 1912 was one the 5 noyons who wrote letters to the Russian tsar to take Tuva under Russia's protectorate. Afterwards he changed his mind and ympathised with the Mongolian posiible rule of Tuva.

In 1921 together with Innokenti Safianov he was the main initiator of the All-Tuva khural (Congress) to declare Tuva's independence.

In the 30-ties of the last century he was murdered at the age of 39 under unknown circumstances and is up to the present day unrehabilitated.

Dina Oyun
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