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«    January 2008    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Andrey Mongush Becomes People's Khoomeizhi

Popular performer of the unofficial anthem of the republic, the song "Men tyva men" (I am a Tuvan), teacher and composer, soloist of the Tuvan Orchestra of National Instruments Andrey Mongush at the end of the last year was honored with a government award. He was bestowed the title "People's Khoomeizhi of the Republic of Tuva".

Andrey Mongush has been on the scene for 17 years now.

Besides performing and composing he is a teacher. He prepared and presented live three generations of folkloric associations of secondary school # 5 "Salgal" (Heritage).

Since 2003, Andrey Mongush appeared with the group Hun-Hur-Tu. A musician famous also for his research, he is called the reviver of forgotten melodies, the folk songs.

Thanks to Andrey Mongush, the song by the Tuvan Tsengel sumona of Mongolia "Men tyva men" became known throughout Tuva and loved.

Among others recognized was the famous poet, prosaist, and interpreter Alexander Darzhay. He was bestowed the honorable title "People's Author of the Republic of Tuva".

Alexaner Darzhay began his creative journey over 40 years ago. November 1, 1964, in the republic newspaper "Shyn", two of his first poems were published. Eight years later appeared the first collection of his verses. As the man of the hour states, the first publication touched his soul and jump-started further creation.

Alexander Darzhay is also famous as a translator of Russian classics into Tuvan. Namely, thanks to his translations, the works of Alexander Pushkin became accessible to the indiginous inhabitants of the republic. He is also famous as a politician. He was elected to the Upper Khural

(parliament) of the Republic and took part in the development of the first laws of the republic stengthening the status of the Tuvan language. Later, Alexander Alexandrovich Darzhay became head of the Ministry of the Press.

His worshippers include those over 60 and those barely 15.

"I sing about life, love, native land; probably because of this I achieved such popularity", said the author.

Ben Stevens
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