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«    March 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva is considering a new national anthem

Tuva is considering a new national anthemIt is quite possible that the 90th anniversary of the founding of Tuvan people's Republic will be welcomed with a new national anthem. The necessity of composing a new chief song of the republic, with words and music that would correspond to contemporary realities was discussed at a common conference of the Soviets of the Government and the Supreme Khural, which took place on 21 March.

"Despite all the beauty of the folk song "Cedar-nut taiga" it simply does not sound like a national anthem. It should elevate the mood and spirit, unite the people in love of their native country and in their pride of it,"  - said Premier Sholban Kara-ool - to compose such a work is a serious task for professionals."

Both sides agreed with this opinion. Minister of culture Vyacheslav Dongak presented the opinion of art workers: 'The current anthem sounds like an ordinary feast song, and at the same time, there are many high and low notes, which need special vocal mastery - not everybody can do it. And really anybody should be able to sing the national anthem."

A proposal was voiced to take the song "Men Tyva men" for a base, and bring it into correspondence with the national anthem format, that is, a triumphant march.  "It really inspires the hearers and is very popular among the people, - remarked the chairwoman of the parliamentary committee in social matters, Irina Samoilenko. - And if the work team will decide to confirm "Men Tyva men", then I would suggest to work out a bilingual text for the anthem. It should sound in both Tuvan and Russian languages, and carry a constructive, unifying essence."

At the delegate Vitaly Bartyna-Sady admitted: "The patriotic song "Men Tyva men", its deeply piercing melody and profound meaning of the words makes people tremble, the people automatically stand up and sing along with the performers. This work can fully pretend at the right to become the state symbol of our republic."

A work team was created,  with the vice-premier Anatoly Damba-Khuurak at the head; it was also suggested to study a song which has recently become popular - "Burungaar, Tyva". The music was composed by a famous rock-musician Oktyabr Saaya, and the text are by Orlan Damba-Khuurak. The new song is performes with great success by Stanislav  Iril.

Info from press-service of Government of RT translated by Heda Jindrak
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