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«    June 2011    »
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Tuva announces a contest to create a new national anthem

Ministry of culture of Tuva announced the start of a contest to compose a new state national anthem of the republic. The decision was made today by a task-group created by the government of RT, which includes composers and culture workers of the republic. As the Minister of culture of Tuva Vyacheslav Dongak announced, the group will be accepting works for the contest until 11 July. No later than 15 July the selected alternatives of the anthem will be presented to the government of the republic for review.

The main decision to change the anthem was made at a joint meeting of  Councils of the government and Parliament of the republic. In the words of the minister, this was occasioned by frequent  suggestions and requests by the citizens, who consider the folk song "Cedar-nut Taiga" a not very successful choice for a national anthem.

"People are convinced that it should be more expressive and highly artistic, as well as easily memorized and easy to sing," - explained the minister.

According to the guidelines confirmed by Government of the republic on 14 June, professional and free-lance authors or groups of authors, who have an interest in state symbolism of Tuva may participate.

There is one condition for the contestants - variations on text and music of the existing current anthem are not allowed.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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