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» » Premiere of the film “ By the order of Chingis Khan” to be held after the Peking Olympics
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«    March 2008    »
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Premiere of the film “ By the order of Chingis Khan” to be held after the Peking Olympics

The release of the historical film “ By the order of Chingis Khan”, based on the novel by Yakut writer Nikolai Luginov, is scheduled for September 2008, immediately after the 2008 Olympics in Peking. Other possible dates were considered; April or even February of 2008. But in the opinion of the producer of the film, Vladimir Ivanov, which he expressed in the newspaper “Yakutia”, the Olympics in China should “spark up” international interest in Asia. “And why did the Chinese build one of the wonders of the world - the Great wall - as protection from whom? From the Northern peoples. Therefore this theme should be interesting even for China,” said Ivanov. The filming of the movie was done over the course of three years on the territories of Tuva, Kalmykia, Gorniy Altai and Mongolia. In September 2006, the film crew worked in Khakassia in the Valley of Czars ( Salbyk Kurgan). Khakassia is represented in the cast of actors by Gennadiy Chaptykov, an actor of the Khakassian national Theater, who plays the role of Chingis Khan’s stepbrother Sengum. The filming was finished in September 2007.
About 150 artists participated in the battle scenes, and more than 100 horses were used. Chingis Khan’s soldiers are mostly played by horse herders from Tes-Khem area Ak-Erik. “International success depends on how successful it is in Russia. – continues Ivanov. -, Recently, we came back from Moscow with the director of the film, Andrei Borisov. We met with the director of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, Mikhail Shvydki. He promised help with finalizing the movie and with advertising and promotion of the film project. A definite advantage is that our film is an advertisement for eco-tourism, and should stimulate interest in the Natural Preserves and parks in Yakutia, Irkutsk region, Buryatia, Tyva, Khakassia, Altai.
A meeting with the producer of First Channel, Konstantin Ernst, is planned for early March, to discuss promotion of the film on First Channel. “We are planning to enter the Russian and international cinematic market in such a way, as to be on regular theatre schedules in September. – said Ivanov. The main role is played by altogether three actors. The young Tuvan actor Ayan Uspun plays Chingis Khan as a child, Yakut Sergei Yegorov plays the hero as a young man, and the respected actor of Republic of Tuva, Eduard Ondar, plays the mature Chingis Khan. Russian Oleg Taktarov, Hollywood star Hirayuki Tagawa ( who was in The Last Emperor, and Pearl Harbor), Mongol Orgil Makhaan, Chinese Tu Men, and other actors fom Yakutia, Tuva, Buryatia, Khakassia, Bashkortostan and Mongolia are involved in the movie.
300 soldiers of the regular Mongolian army and 50 stunt horse-riders took part in the main battle scenes on Mongolian territory. The budget of the film was 10 million dollars. Various companies in Germany, USA, China Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Kirgizia already showed interest in the film. The author of the movie soundtrack is the leader of Tuvan group “Yat-kha”, Albert Kuvezhin. The artistic director is Gennadiy Sotnikov. Operators – Yuriy Berezhnev and Innokentiy Amosov. The producer is Vladimir Ivanov.

Informational agency “Khakassia”, translated by Heda Jindrak
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